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DDT Manuscripts Published in FY 2006

CDC Division of Diabetes Translation authors are in bold face.

Acton KJ, Burrows NR, Wang J, Geiss LS. Diabetes prevalence among American Indian and Alaska Native children, adolescents, and young adults, 1994-2004. MMWR 2006;55(44):1201-1203.

CDC. National Diabetes Awareness Month -- November 2006. MMWR 2006;55(43):1169.

CDC. Visual impairment and eye care among older adults – five states, 2005. MMWR 2006;55:1321-1325.

Chino M, DeBruyn LM. Building true capacity: indigenous models for indigenous communities. American Journal of Public Health. 2006 Apr;96(4):596-599.

Dabelea D, D'Agostino RB, Mayer-Davis E, Pettitt DJ, Imperatore G, Dolan LM, et al. Testing the accelerator hypothesis. Diabetes Care. 2006 Feb;29:290-4.

Hoehner CM, Williams DE, Sievers ML, Knowler WC, Bennett PH, Nelson RG. Trends in heart disease death rates in diabetic and nondiabetic Pima Indians. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2006;20:8-13.

Huang P, Miller E. Disparities in Diabetes-Related Amputations Along the Texas-Mexico Border - 2003. MMWR 2006;55(46):1251-1253.

Jones AP, Homer JB, Murphy DL, Essien JDK, Milstein B, Seville DA. Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling and experimentation. American Journal of Public Health. 2006 Mar;96(3):488-94.

Kahn HS. The lipid accumulation product is better than BMI for identifying diabetes: a population-based comparison. Diabetes Care. 2006 Jan;29(1):151-3.

Kershnar AK, Daniels SR, Imperatore G, Palla SL, Petitti DB, Pettitt DJ, Marcovina S, Dolan LM, Hamman RF, Liese AD, Pihoker C, Rodriguez BL. Lipid Abnormalities are prevalent in Youth with T1 and T2 Diabetes: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Journal of Pediatrics. 2006;149:314-319.

Lawrence JM, Standiford DA, Loots B, Klingensmith GJ, Williams DE, Ruggiero A, Liese AD, Bell RA, Waitzfelder BE, McKeown RE, for the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Prevalence and Correlates of Depressed Mood among Youth with Diabetes: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Pediatrics. 2006;117:1348-1358.

Mayer-Davis EJ, Nichols M, Liese A, Bell R, Dabelea D, Johansen J, Pihoker C, Rodriguez B, Thomas J, Williams DE For the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study Group. Dietary Intake Among Youth With Diabetes: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2006;106:689-697.

Mukhtar Q, Jack L Jr, Martin M, Murphy D, Rivera M. Evaluating progress toward Healthy People 2010 national diabetes objectives. Prev Chronic Dis. 2006 Jan;3(1):A11.

Mukhtar Q, Mehta P, Brody ER, Camponeschi J, Friedrichs M, Kemple AM. Development of the Diabetes Indicators and Data Sources Internet Tool (DIDIT). Prev Chronic Dis. 2006 Jan;3(1):A20.

Norris SL, Chowdhury FM, Van Le K, Armour T, Brownstein JN, Zhang X, Jack L, Satterfield DW. Effectiveness of community health workers in the care of adults with diabetes: a systematic review. Diabetic Medicine. 2006; 23:544-566.

Pan L, Mukhtar Q, Geiss SL, Rivera M, Alfaro-Correa A, Sniegowski R. Self-Rated Poor or Fair Health Among Adults with Diabetes -- United States, 1996-2005. MMWR 2006;55(45):1224-1227.

Rodriguez BL, Mayer-Davis EJ, Imperatore G, Williams DE, Bell RA, Pihoker C, Wadwa RP, Palla SL, Liese AD, Liu LL, Kershnar A, Daniels SR, Linder B, FujimotoWY for the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in U.S. Children and Adolescents with Diabetes: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Diabetes Care. 2006; 29:1891-1896.

Rutledge SA, Gregg EW, Beckles G, Williams DE, Project DIRECT Evaluation Study Group. Improvement in lipid and glycated hemoglobin control among persons with type 2 diabetes -- Raleigh and Greensboro, North Carolina, 1997-2004. MMWR 2006;55(46):1248-1251.

The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study Group. The Burden of Diabetes Among U.S. Youth: Prevalence Estimates from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Pediatrics. 2006;118:1510-1518.

Tierney EF, Gregg EW, Venkat Narayan KM. Leading causes of death in the United States. Journal of American Medical Association. 2006;295(4):383.

Zhang X, Gregg EW, Cheng YJ, Thompson T, Geiss LS, Duenas MR, Saaddine JB. Correctable Visual Impairment Among Persons with Diabetes -- United States, 1999-2004. MMWR 2006;55(43):1169-1172.

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Page last reviewed: July 12, 2007
Page last modified: April 25, 2008

Content Source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Diabetes Translation

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