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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintains this server to enhance public access to BLM information. BLM provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.

Only public information will be maintained on the BLM home page or made accessible through links to other Web pages. We strongly recommend that BLM data be acquired directly from a BLM server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. Use external links only when there is a direct relationship between the program coverage of the BLM home page and the material to which it links.

Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that BLM does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.

While BLM makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. BLM welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors.


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