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The Global River Discharge Database (RivDIS v1.1)

The Global River Discharge Database development efforts represent the first step in a continually evolving compilation of river discharge information. One of the primary sources of information for the database development was the UNESCO river archives and the series of publications entitled "The Discharge of Selected Rivers of the World" which were provided, in book form from 1969 through 1984. The series served as an important source of information on approximately 1000 stations. RivDis v1.0 provides discharge data from the original UNESCO publication series in a digital format that can be easily acquired and analyzed by researchers and planners in the water sciences community. The contents of RivDis v1.0 was published recently in book form (Vorosmarty et al. 1996a) and can be obtained from UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme Headquarters (Offices: 1, Rue Miollis /75732 Paris CEDEX 15). This has resulted in the development of a database we refer to as RivDIS v1.0 and full publication summarizing the database.


Vörösmarty, C.J., B. Fekete, and B.A. Tucker. 1998. River Discharge Database, Version 1.1 (RivDIS v1.0 supplement). Available through the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space / University of New Hampshire, Durham NH (USA).

Vörösmarty, C.J., B. Fekete, and B.A. Tucker. 1996. River Discharge Database, Version 1.0 (RivDIS v1.0), Volumes 0 through 6. A contribution to IHP-V Theme 1. Technical Documents in Hydrology Series. UNESCO, Paris.

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The Global River Discharge Database (RivDIS v1.1)
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