Dennis Mulford
October 24, 2002

To Board Members:

Comments on the proposal to put screaming memi beepers and all the adapted parafinalia on street crossings for us blind persons. I feel this is rediculous! We don’t need all this stuff on every crossing in every city. If we have been thourally trained it is not needed. It is really an overkill. Not to mention the fact, of the expense to put in such things is prohibitive as far as tax dollars are concerned. The tax money can better be used for a lot better purposes than this.

Furthermore, as a blind person I feel that blindness is nothing more than an inconvenience; and it is not necessary to put such things in. Also to put these things in on every street crossing degrades the blind person. We want to be more of a normal person and we can’t be this way; because it is telling us, you are blind, you can’t do things normally; and this is not satisfactory and not acceptable.

Furthermore, with the technology available to us blind people today and the technology increasingly coming out; there is nothing that we can’t conquer. We don’t need to have it shoved down our throats by telling us we can’t cross streets without proper adaptive technology, the screamer beepers and all that crap that they are proposing to put in these street crossings, the turtles and all this stuff. This is something we do not need! And I feelas a tax payer and as all tax payers this is totally totally incomprehensible to go that rout of spending that kind of money , talking about billions and billions of dollars. It isn’t any way to my knowledge feasible or acceptable.

Dennis Mulford


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