Keith Heavener 
October 23, 2002


This letter is regarding the “reduced vibration zones in public sidewalks” issue as it pertains to segmented pavements.

First, I would like to express my thanks to the Access Board for removing unwarranted restrictions of unit payers. Research conducted by the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Rehabilitation Science & Technology, as well as that by a consortium of the Brick Industry Association, the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute and the National Concrete Masonry Association, has conclusively proven that segmental pavements do not cause more harmful vibration than other common pavement types. The research concluded that the clay payers produced less vibration that the poured concrete control, and required no additional work to traverse.

Second, I would strongly encourage the Board retain Section 1103 as currently drafted, withholding any restrictions on the use of segmental pavements within the pedestrian access route and reduced vibration zone.

In closing, let me express my thanks for taking the time to consider my concerns.


Keith Heavener
Heavener Supply, Inc.

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