National Institute for Literacy

Discussion Announcement

On October 1 - 5, Marian Thacher will be discussing with the NIFL Technology list the new online technology self-assessment for teachers at AdultEd Online.

Guest Biography

Marian Thacher is the director of OTAN a California adult education project that provides information and technology integration support for adult educators in California. Prior to her five years with OTAN, she taught ESL and was involved in workplace education and media projects in San Diego and Chicago.

Discussion Preparation

In addition to sharing information about the self-assessment and the professional development plan that accompanies it, Marian will share the development process and resources that were used to create the tool. Questions related to technology integration are:

  1. What are the skills an adult education teacher should have in order to use technology effectively with learners?
  2. What is the role of a professional development plan, and how should it be used?
  3. How do we keep up with the fast pace of technology change? What are our learning strategies?

What other questions would you like to discuss about technology integration competencies, professional development plans, and the challenge of keeping up?

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Last updated: Friday, 25-Apr-2008 15:34:32 EDT