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How the King County Board of Ethics Serves You

Advisory Opinions

If you are unsure whether an action or interest is allowable under the Code of Ethics , you may request an advisory opinion directly from the Board of Ethics . Advisory opinions are intended to provide guidance and prevent future actions that may violate the code. Requests for advisory opinions must be submitted in writing to the Board of Ethics or its Executive Director. The board meets once a month, normally on the third Monday, to consider requests for advisory opinions and related issues. All meetings are open to the public and those requesting opinions are especially encouraged to attend. Review Procedures for Issuing Advisory Opinions to make a request and read the full text of all past advisory opinions, or contact the ethics office for information and assistance

Ethics Help Line and Staff Informational Responses

If you have a question you believe is related to the Code of Ethics , the ethics Executive Director is available to help you make ethical decisions. Call the Ethics Help Line at 206-296-1586. We are also happy to respond to your inquiry in writing with a staff information response, providing guidance through ethics code references and existing advisory opinions.

Training and Education

  • New Employee Orientations

    The Executive Director provides weekly, mandatory orientations for new county employees through the Benefits and Retirement Operations Section (BROS). The orientations include an overview of the ethics code and an introduction to the Board and office, and the services they provide. New employees receive a Summary of the Code of Ethics , an Ethics Help Line card, and a brochure on ethics-related interactions with vendors, contractors and customers. New employees are encouraged to discuss ethics issues with their supervisors and use the ethics Board and office as a helpful resource in their decision-making. To register for the new employee orientation, ask your supervisor to contact BROS at

  • Supervisor Seminars

    Supervisors receive an in-depth, half-day ethics seminar through the mandatory supervisory training sponsored by the Human Resource Division (HRD). This course includes a comprehensive review of the ethics code, an introduction to the ethics Board and office, a description of a decision-making model, and an interactive group activity in which supervisors discuss, analyze, and solve ethics-related dilemmas. To learn more or to register for an upcoming session, go to:

  • Informal Presentations By Request

    The ethics office offers consultation and ethics education to departments by providing sessions tailored to the needs and schedules of the agency employees. These sessions may include 20 minute to two-hour presentations during regularly scheduled staff meetings that focus on ethics-related issues specific to, or identified by, the particular group. To arrange for a presentation for your agency, contact the ethics office at