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  Weekly Benefit Amount2  
Earnings/ Employment Needed in Base Period to Qualify1 Computation of Weekly Benefit Amount Minimum Maximum Weekly Earnings Disregarded3 Calculation of Number of Benefit Weeks4 Number of Benefit Weeks5 Size of Payroll (Length of Employment/ Wages Paid)6 Wages Subject to Tax Minimum And Maximum Rates7
AL 1½ x HQW 1/24 avg of 2 highest quarters $45 $210 $15 1/3 BPW 15-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 0.44%-6.04%
AK $1,000; wages in 2 quarters 0.9-4.4% of annual wages + $24 per dep up to $72 $44-68 $248-320 ¼ wages over $50 Weighted schedule of BPW to HQW 16-26 Any size $26,700 1.0-5.9%
AZ 1 ½ x HQW; $1,000 in 1 quarter; or wages in 2 quarters, wages in 1 quarter sufficient to qualify for maximum WBA, and BP wages ≥ taxable wage base 1/25 HQW $40 $205 $30 1/3 BPW 12-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.05%-5.4%
AR 27 x WBA; wages in 2 quarters 1/26 HQW $63 $345 40% WBA Lesser of 26 x WBA or 1/3 BPW 9-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $9,500 0.80%-8.70%
CA $1,300 in HQ, or $900 in HQ with BP wages = 1 ¼ x HQ 1/23 to 1/26 HQW $40 $370 Greater of $25 or 25% of wages Lesser of 26 x WBA or ½ BPW 14-26 Over $100 in any quarter $7,000 0.9%-5.4%
CO 40 x WBA or $2,500, whichever is greater 60% of 1/26 of 2 highest quarters $25 $398 ¼ WBA 1/3 BPW 13-26 Any size $10,000 0%-5.4%
CT 40 x WBA 1/26 avg of 2 highest quarters + $15 per dep, DA capped at WBA (For construction workers, 1/26 HQ) $15-30 $411-486 1/3 wages Uniform duration 26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $15,000 1.9%-6.8%
DE 36 x WBA 1/46 total wages in 2 high quarters if fund balance > $90M. 1/52 otherwise $20 $320 Greater of $10 or 30% of WBA ½ BPW 24-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,500 0.3%-8.2%
DC 1 ½ x HQW; not less than $1,950 in 2 quarters; $1,300 in 1 quarter 1/26 HQW $50 $309 1/5 wages ½ BPW 19-26 Any size $9,000 1.3%-6.6%
FL 1 ½ x HQW; minimum $3,400; wages in 2 quarters 1/26 HQW $32 $275 8 x federal hourly min-imum wage 25% BPW 9-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.1%-5.4%
GA 150% x HQW; wages in 2 quarters; earn $1,242 in 2 quarters; $1,840; $920 in HQ 1/46 of wages in 2 highest quarters or 1/23 HQW $40 $300 $50 ¼ BPW 9-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,500 0%-5.4%
HI 26 x WBA; wages in 2 quarters ($8,547 in HQ for maximum & $10,582 in BP) 1/21 HQW $5 $407 $50 Uniform duration 26 Any size $30,200 0.2%-5.4%
ID 1 ¼ x HQW; not less than minimum qualifying wages in 1 quarter 1/26 HQW $51 $316 ½ WBA Weighted schedule of BPW to HQW 10-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $27,600 0.2%-5.4%
IL $1,600; $440 outside HQ 49.5% of claimant’s AWW in 2 highest quarters $51-56 $326-438 ½ WBA Uniform duration 26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $9,000 0.6%-7.2%
IN Not less than $2,750; $1,650 in last 2 quarters 5% of 1st $2,000 of wage credits in HQ, 4% of remaining HQ wage credits; wage credits limited to $8,216 $50 $348 Greater of $3 or 20% of WBA from other than BP employer 28% BPW 8-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.1%-5.4%
IA 1 ¼ x HQW; 3.5% of the statewide AAW in HQ; ½ of HQW in quarter not the HQ 1/19 – 1/23 HQW for claimants with deps $44-55 $300-368 ¼ WBA 1/3 BPW 9-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $19,200 0%-8.00%
KS 30 x WBA; wages in 2 quarters 4.25% HQW $87 $351 25% of WBA 1/3 BPW 10-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 0.05%-7.4%
KY 1 ½ x HQW; 8 x WBA in last 2 quarters; $750 in 1 quarter; $750 in other quarters 1.3078% BP wages $39 $365 1/5 wages 1/3 BPW 15-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 0.3%-9%
LA $1,200; 1 ½ x HQW 1/25 of the avg of 4 quarters $10 $258 Lesser of ½ WBA or $50 27% BPW 21-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.14%-6.2%
ME $1,125.38 in 2 BP quarters and $3,376.14 in total BP wages 1/22 avg wages paid in 2 highest quarters of BP + $10 per dep up to ½ WBA $51-73 $292-424 $25 1/3 BPW 14-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $12,000 0.55%-5.40%
MD 1 ½ x HQW; $576.01 in HQ 1/24 HQW + $8 per dep up to 5 deps $25-65 $310 $90 Uniform duration 26 Any size $8,500 0.3%-7.5%
MA 30 x WBA; $3,000 minimum 50% AWW + $25 per dep up to ½ WBA $29-43 $507-760 1/3 WBA 36% BPW 10-30 13 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $10,800 1.325%-7.225%
MI 1 ½ x HQW; at least $1,998 in HQ; or employment in at least 2 quarters and BP wages = 20 x state AWW 4.1% HQW plus $6 for each dep up to 5 $81-111 $362 WBA reduced by 50¢ for every $1 earned. Earnings and benefits limited to 1 ½ x WBR 43% BP wages/ WBA 14-26 20 weeks or $1,000 in CY $9,000 0.06%-9.3%
MN At least $1,000 in HQ; $250 outside HQ For maximum 50% of AWW in BP to a maximum of 66 2/3% of state AWW or 50% of AWW in BP HQ to a maximum of 45% of State AWW $38 $467

$478 (effective 8/3/03)
Greater of $50 or 25% of wages 1/3 BPW 10-26 Any size $22,000 0.47%-9.55%
MS 40 x WBA; $780 in 1 quarter; wages in 2 quarters 1/26 HQW $30 $210 $40 1/3 BPW 13-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.7%-5.4%
MO 1 ½ x HQW; $1,000 in 1 quarter; or wages in 2 quarters of BP=1½ maximum taxable wage base 4% HQW $40 $250 $20 1/3 BPW 12.5-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,500 0%-7.8%
MT BPW = 1.5 x HQW & total wages ≥ 7% of AAW or wages ≥ 50% of AAW 1% BPW wages or 1.9% wages in 2 HQs $73 $306

$323 (effective 10/5/03)
½ wages in excess of ¼ WBA Weighted schedule of BPW to HQW 8-26 (up to 28 on or after 10/1/03) $1,000 in current or preceding year $19,700 0.13%-6.50%
NE $1,600; $800 in each of 2 quarters ½ AWW $36 $272 ½ WBA 1/3 BPW 15-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.05%-5.4%
NV 1 ½ x HQW; or wages in 3 of 4 quarters in BP 1/25 HQW $16 $317 ¼ wages Lesser of 26 x WBA or 1/3 BPW 12-26 $225 in any quarter $21,500 0.25%-5.4%
NH $2,800; $1,400 in each of 2 quarters 1%-1.1% annual wages $32 $372 30% WBA Uniform duration 26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 0.01%-6.5%
NJ 20 weeks employment at 20% of AWW; or 12 x AWW 60% of claimant’s AWW + DA $61-70 $475 Greater of $5 or 1/5 WBA ¾ weeks employ-ment 15-26 $1,000 in any year $23,900 0.3%-5.4%
NM $1,420.12 in HQW and wages in at least 1 other quarter 52.5% of AWW paid in quarter in which wages were highest $57 $277 1/5 WBA 3/5 BPW 19-26 20 weeks or $450 in any quarter $16,600 0.05%-5.4%
NY 1 ½ x HQW; $1,600 in HQ 1/26 HQW unless such wages ≤ $3,575. Then, 1/25 HQW $40 $405 None. All employment affects WBA Uniform duration 26 $300 in any quarter $8,500 0.9%-8.9%
NC 6 x AWW; wages in 2 quarters of BP 1/26 HQW $34 $408 10% AWW in HQ (BPW / HQW) x 8 2/3 13-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $15,900 0%-5.7%
ND 1 ½ x HQW 1/65 (wages in 2 HQs + ½ wages in 3rd HQ) $43 $312 60% WBA Weighted schedule of BPW to HQW 12-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $18,000 0.49%-10.09%
OH 20 weeks employment with wages averaging 27.5 % of state AWW ½ claimant’s AWW + DA of $1-$109 based on claimant’s AWW and number of dep $88 $315-424 1/5 WBA 20 x WBA + 1 x WBA for each qualifying week in excess of 20 20-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $9,000 0.1%-6.5%
OK $1,500 and 1 ½ x HQW; or 100% taxable wages 1/23 HQW $16 $303 $100 Weighted schedule of BPW to HQW 22-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $11,700 0.2%-5.8%
OR 6 x WBA since prior initial claim and total base year earnings ≥ 1.5 x HQW; or 500 hours of employment 1.25% BPW $96 $410 1/3 WBA or 10 x the State minimum wage 1/25 BPW 3-26 18 weeks or $225 in any quarter $26,000 1.2%-5.4%
PA $800 in HQ; $1,320 in BP; at least 20% of BPW outside HQ 1/23-1/25 HQW + $5 for 1 dep; $3 for 2nd dep $35-43 $451-459 Greater of $6 or 40% WBA At least 16 credit weeks for minimum, 18 for maximum 16-26 Any size $8,000 1.5%-9.2%
PR 40 x WBA; $280 minimum; $75 in 1 quarter; wages in 2 quarters 1/11- 1/26 HQW $7 $133 WBA Uniform duration 26 Any size $7,000 1.4%-5.4%
RI 1 ½ x HQW; 200 x minimum hourly wage in 1 quarter and 400 x minimum hourly wage in BP; or 1,200 x minimum hourly wage in BP 4.62% HQW + greater of $10 or 5% of the benefit rate per dep up to 5 deps $56-106 $441-551 1/5 WBA 36% BPW 8-26 Any size $12,000 1.66%-9.76%
SC 1 ½ x HQW; $900 minimum; $540 in HQ 1/26 HQW $20 $278 ¼ WBA 1/3 BPW 15-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 1.04%-5.9%
SD $728 in HQ; 20 x WBA outside HQ 1/26 HQW $28 $248 ¼ wages over $25 1/3 BPW 15-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0%-7%
TN 40 x WBA; $780.01 in highest 2 quarters 1/26 of avg 2 highest quarters $30 $275 Greater of $50 or ¼ WBA ¼ BPW 13-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $7,000 0.40%-10%
TX 37 x WBA; wages in at least 2 quarters 1/25 HQW $53 $328 Greater of $5 or ¼ WBA 27% BPW 9-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $9,000 0.067%-8.47%
UT $2,400 or $120 for 20 weeks 1/26 HQW $23 $373 30% WBA 27% BPW 10-26 Any Size $22,500 0.1%-8.1%
VT $1,707 in a quarter; minimum 40% HQW Wages in the 2 highest quarters divided by 45 $1 359 Greater of 30% WBA or $40 Uniform duration 26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 0.4%-5.4%
VA $2,500 to $13,400.01 in highest 2 quarters 1/50 of the 2 highest quarters $50 $316 $25 ½ BPW 12-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 0.2%-6.3%
VI 1 ½ x HQW and $858 in HQ; or $858 in HQ and 39 x WBA in BP 1/26 HQW $32 $375 25% in excess of $15 1/3 BPW 13-26 Any size $18,000 0%-6%
WA 680 hours 1/25 average 2 HQW $109 $510 ¼ wages over $5 MBA/WBA 12-26/30 Any size $29,700 0.57%-5.4%
WV $2,200 and wages in 2 quarters 1% annual wages $24 $358 $60 Uniform duration 26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $8,000 1.5%-7.5%
WI 30; 4 x WBA outside HQ 4% HQW up to maximum WBA $49 $329 $30 plus 33% of wages in excess of $30 40% BPW 12-26 20 weeks or $1,500 in any quarter $10,500 0%-9.75%
WY 1.4 x HQW; minimum 8% of state AAW 4% HQW $22 $306 50% WBA 30% BPW 11-26 Any size $15,900 0.18%-6.56%

This document is prepared for general reference and may not reflect all the details of a state’s law. Consult the state agency or the state law for authoritative information. More detailed information may be found in the Comparison of State Unemployment Compensation Laws, which also includes information on Temporary Disability Insurance Programs.

avg- AverageAAW- Average Annual WageAWW- Average Weekly WageBP- Base Period
BPW- Base Period WagesCQ- Calendar QuarterCY- Calendar Yeardep- Dependent
DA- Dependents AllowanceHQ- High QuarterHQW- High Quarter WagesMBA- Maximum Benefit Amount
WBA- Weekly Benefit Amount"="- Equal To">" Greater Than"≥"- Equal To or Greater Than
"≤"- Less Than or Equal To"%"- Percent"+"- Plus"x"- Times


Waiting Week - Most states require a 1-week waiting period where the claimant must meet all eligibility conditions before benefits are payable. The following states do not require a waiting week: AL, CT, DE, GA, IA, KY, MD, MI, NV, NH, NJ, NC (only for workers affected by a major industrial disaster), VT, WY (only from 7/1/02 to 6/30/05). The waiting week may be paid after a specified period of unemployment in MO, NJ, TX and TN. In some states, it may be suspended under certain conditions.

Base Periods - Most qualifying earnings are determined using a base period consisting of the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters. In the following states, more recent earnings may be used under certain conditions: CT, GA (until 6/30/2004), ME, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK (if fund meets balance requirements), RI, VT, WA, WI.


1 Reflects basic qualifying formula. Some states have alternative qualifying formulas.

2 When two amounts given, higher includes dependents' allowances. If state has a dependents' allowance and only one amount is given, the maximum is the same with or without the allowance.

3 This column lists the amount of weekly earnings that are disregarded (will not reduce the weekly benefit amount). However, earnings in excess of those listed will be deducted from the weekly benefit amount, resulting in a reduced payment.

4 For states that use earnings, further calculation is needed to derive the number of benefit weeks- take the amount obtained from the formula listed (which is the claimant's maximum benefit amount) and divide it by the claimant's weekly benefit amount. States with uniform duration do not have to calculate the number of benefit weeks since it is fixed.

5 Lists number of benefit weeks for only the regular program for total unemployment. In states with uniform duration, all eligible claimants receive the same number of benefit weeks. In some states, additional weeks of benefits are payable under limited circumstances such as high unemployment, continuation of approved training, or workforce dislocations.

6 Coverage is determined by the size of the employing unit's payroll or the number of days or weeks worked during a calendar year and applies to employing units who during any calendar quarter in the current or immediately preceding calendar year paid wages of $1,500 or more, or to employing units who employ one or more workers on at least 1 day in each of 20 weeks during the current or immediately preceding calendar year; such employing units are liable for taxes, and the workers accrue benefit rights. States may have different thresholds for agricultural, domestic, and nonprofit employing units. For those states with "Any size," all workers are covered regardless of payroll size or weeks worked.

7 Rates apply to experience rated employers only and do not include applicable surtaxes or penalties.

If you have any questions, please contact Loryn Lancaster at 202-693-2994 or Suzanne Schwartz Simonetta at 202-693-3225.

Created: March 29, 2004

Updated: April 10, 2008