Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Honor Guard

Honor Guard, ISC Seattle, WA

Seattle Area Honor Guard
The Seattle Area Honor Guard was established to honor those that have served before us and increase Coast Guard visibility in the community.


I am an Honor Guardsman.  

I will proudly stand beside my shipmates  
Despite the discomforting elements.  
I will maintain poise on and off the parade field.  
I will exceed the standards and  
Accept nothing less than perfection.  

I will honor all Coast Guard men and women  
Both living and dead.  
I will respect the Honor Guard mission  
And my seniors.  
I will devote my maximum effort to this sacred duty.  

By wearing this rope
I have accepted a commitment to excellence  
As a way of life.

Useful Links:

Reference Manuals and Websites:


Last Modified 8/28/2008