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MISR Level 3 Products

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There are currently five types of Level 3 products: Radiance, Aerosol, Land Surface, Albedo and Cloud. Each Level 3 product summarizes selected parameters from one Level 1 or Level 2 product. Level 3 data contain a range of Level 1 and Level 2 versions.

Further information about the Level 1 and Level 2 data products can be found on MISR Data and Information, and by consulting the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents.

Before using MISR Data products, please read the documentation including Data Quality and Versioning statements available from MISR Data and Information.

Images available on this web site include the following parameters:

Image Description
Component Global Georectified Radiance Product (CGGRP):
Parameter Definition Sample
Radiance Radiance data for 4 bands and 9 view angles (details on the MISR instrument).

Summary of Level 1 TERRAIN (land) and ELLIPSOID (ocean), Radiance/RQI field.

Rad Example.
Component Global Aerosol Product (CGAS):
Parameter Definition Sample
Optical Depth Aerosol Optical depth. Version F09_0025 and later have all 4 MISR bands; versions previous to that have green (555 nm) band only.

Summary of Level 2 AEROSOL, RegMeanSpectralOptDepth field.

Optical Depth Example.
Component Global Land Surface Product (CGLS):
Parameter Definition Sample
DHR Directional Hemispheric Reflectance (DHR). Spectral albedo of the surface in the absence of the atmosphere. Also known as "black sky" albedo.

Summary of Level 2 LAND, LandDHR field.

DHR Example.
DHRPAR DHR integrated over the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) band.

Summary of Level 2 LAND, DHRPAR field.

DHRPAR Example.
DHRSW DHR for a broad shortwave band (400-2500 nm), approximated from visible bands.

Derived from a linear combination of MISR bands found in the Level 2 LAND, DHR field. Weiss et al.1

DHRSW Example.
FPAR Fractional absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR). Defined as PAR irradiance absorbed by live vegetation divided by incident PAR irradiance.

Summary of Level 2 LAND, FPARBestEstimate field.

FPAR Example.
LAI Leaf Area Index (LAI).

Summary of Level 2 LAND, LAIBestEstimate.

LAI Example.
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).

Summary of Level 2 LAND, NDVI field.

NDVI Example.
Component Global Albedo Product (CGAL):
Parameter Definition Sample
Expansive Albedo Expansive albedo, for 4 MISR spectral bands + broadband approximation.

The albedo that would be measured at a 30 km altitude, encompassing reflection from the entire scene viewable from that point. The Level 2 product that the Level 3 summarizes is provided on a 35.2 km grid. It provides the best estimate of top of atmosphere (TOA) energetics for the region.

Summary of Level 2 ALBEDO, AlbedoExpansive field.

Expansive Albdeo Example.
Restrictive Albedo Restrictive albedo, for 4 MISR spectral bands + broadband approximation.

A summary of the Level 2 parameter which is averaged over 35.2 km at a level close to the reflecting surface, without regard to adjacent regions. This differs from the expansive albedo when the scenes are heterogeneous over large areas.

Summary of Level 2 ALBEDO, AlbedoRestrictive field.

Restrictive Albdeo Example.
Local Albedo Local albedo, for 4 MISR spectral bands + broadband approximation.

A specialized product that provides the unobscured portion of reflected irradiance averaged at Level 2 over a 2.2 km region (normalized by incident top of atmosphere (TOA) irradiance). Because of obscuration by higher neighboring regions, the local albedo may be highly variable for heterogeneous clouds, and attention must be given to the associated obscuration factors.

Summary of Level 2 ALBEDO, AlbedoLocal field.

Local Albdeo Example.
Cloud product (CGCL):
Parameter Definition Sample
Stereo Height Stereo height.

A summary of the Level 2 TC_STEREO StereoHeight_BestWinds, StereoHeight_WithoutWinds fields.

Stereo height example.
Wind Wind speed.

A summary of the Level 2 TC_STEREO NSCloudMotionSpeedLowCloudBin, EWCloudMotionSpeedLowCloudBin, NSCloudMotionSpeedHighCloudBin, EWCloudMotionSpeedHighCloudBin fields.

Wind speed example.

1. Weiss M, Baret F, Leroy M, Begue A, Hautecoeur O, Santer R, "Hemispherical reflectance and albedo estimates from the accumulation of across-track sun-synchronous satellite data," J. Geophysical Res. - Atmospheres, 104 (D18) 22221-22232, September 27, 1999.

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