FIN 06-30

Attachment A
Figure 1

Reclamation Manual
Directives and Standards
Investment Project, Wyoming
Interest on Investment

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Investment Component   Interest
rate = I
@ 10/1/91 = U
Initial estimate of annual interest - Ui
(col. 1x2)
Interest adjustment for principal repayments Interest expense for year = 1
(col. 3-4)
Revenue applied to repayment Net revenue applied to int. & repayment (col. 5+6) Unpaid investment @ 9-30-92
(col. 2-6)
X Red River Powerplant
Original cost
3.00% $20,000,000 $600,000 $0 /1 $600,000 $0 $600,000 $20,000,000
Y Addition FY 1975 4.00% 5,000,000 200,000 13,700 /2 186,300 698,700 /4 885,000 4,301,300
Z Replacement FY 1980 6.00% 500,000 30,000 15,000 /3 15,000 500,000 515,000 0
  TOTALS   $25,500,000 $830,000 $28,700 $801,300 $1,198,700 $2,000,000 $24,301,300

 Annual gross revenues:  $10,000,000
 Annual expenses:   8,000,000
 Net revenues:  $ 2,000,000

1/ Investment X - Revenues not available for any repayment.

2/ Investment Y - Estimate of annual interest less actual expense for the year. (Col. 3-5)

3/ Investment Z - Fully repaid. Interest for ½ year.

4/ Column 7 minus column 5

 Revenues:    $2,000,000
Less: Repayment & interest    
Invest Z (col. 7)   $515,000  
  Int. On invest X   600,000   1,115,000
     $ 885,000

Investment Y - Partial repayment

I = (U- (R-Ui)/2))*I

I=(5,000,000 - (885,000-200,000))/2) x .04 = 186.300

(023) 6/30/96