BGT 04-03
Reclamation Manual
Directives and Standards

Subject: Emergency Planning and Disaster Response Program

Purpose: Outlines the work activities and representative tasks to be included under the Emergency Planning and Disaster Response Program and appropriate means of funding.

Authority: P.L. 93-288, as amended in 1988 by P.L. 100-707; Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended; P.L. 84-99, Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies; 1993 DOI memorandum on “Domestic Emergency Notification System”; 1993 OMB memorandum; 1997 DOI memorandum on “Preparing for Emergencies – Continuity of Operations Policy and Planning”; National Security Act of 1947; EO 12148, Federal Emergency Management, dated 1979; PDD 67 Continuity of Government/Continuity of Operations Issues; Federal Preparedness Circular 65 – Continuity of Operations; 2001 Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy.

Contact: Security, Safety and Law Enforcement Office, D-1400

1. Background. The Emergency Planning and Disaster Response (EPDR) Program is one of a number of Reclamation programs that have been referred to in the past as “Associated O&M”, “Bureauwide”, or “Reclamation-wide” Programs. These programs have been established to non-reimbursably fund the costs of those activities that Reclamation has determined to be inappropriate to charge to funded projects as “project O&M” activities. Often the activities included in this program may be related to many projects throughout Reclamation or the activities are related to a specific project where there is no specific line item in Reclamation’s budget because the activities are minor or non-recurring in nature. Refer to Reclamation Manual Directives & Standards BGT 04-02 ( ) for general information regarding “Reclamation-wide Program Funding Criteria.”

2. Objective. These Directives and Standards (D&S) are intended to provide a general description of this program, the types of activities that are to be included under this program, and the authorities, as applicable, and rationale for the non-reimbursable funding of the program.

3. Definitions.

A. Funded project. A specific authorized Reclamation project which receives annual appropriations or revenues to fund project O&M activities.

B. Project O&M activities. Activities determined by Reclamation to be performed on behalf of and directly benefiting the ongoing operation and maintenance of a specific project or project feature, and thus are considered to be reimbursable or partially reimbursable.

C. Reimbursable costs. Costs related to project O&M activities that are reimbursed to the Federal government in accordance with established reimbursable cost allocations as determined by the original project authorizations, legislatively approved expansion of project purposes, or current project uses.

4. Representative Tasks.

A. Disaster Response. Provides management and administration of Reclamation personnel in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) in disaster operations. Reclamation is the designated action agent in this support for the DOI. Reclamation has supported numerous FEMA/COE disaster operations since 1993. It is to be noted that providing disaster relief support (salaries, travel, per diem, etc. for Reclamation staff) to FEMA and COE is performed on a reimbursable basis; this activity prepares Reclamation staff to respond to disasters at Reclamation facilities.

B. Emergency Notification System. The Emergency Notification System (ENS) was established in the DOI to ensure that actual incident information can be transmitted expeditiously from the field to the Department on a 24-hour basis. The ENS is also used by area and regional offices to obtain emergency technical assistance from the Technical Service Center and for “reverse notification” by the Department for national security incidents and announcements.

C. Continuity of Operations (COO). Develops program guidance, provides technical assistance, and maintains oversight in the development and exercise of COO plans for offices throughout Reclamation. These plans help ensure that Reclamation offices can continue essential functions when impacted by natural hazards, technological hazards, or national security emergencies.

5. Funding Criteria.

A. General. Reclamation’s authority to determine which costs to charge customers is governed by general provisions of Reclamation law, project and program specific legislation, and specific provision of contracts that Reclamation enters into with water users. As such, only the costs of those activities considered appropriate by Reclamation to be “project O&M” activities are charged to water users or power customers. The costs of other activities (non-project costs) are typically captured as non-reimbursable costs under the Reclamation-wide Programs.

B. Criteria. Within Reclamation Manual D&S BGT 04-02, criteria is outlined for the establishment of Reclamation-Wide Programs and the related types of activities appropriate to fund under these programs.

C. Specific Authorities. In addition to Reclamation’s general authority as it relates to Reclamation project activities, there is specific Congressional authority included annually as language within the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill. Specific authority for disaster response activities are outlined in the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.

(209) 03/30/05
New Release