Terrorists Evolve. Threats Evolve. Security Must Stay Ahead. You Play A Part.


"Got Feedback?"

As of today, passenger/airport communications will be turned on its head. We’ve read your comments on the blog regarding checkpoints not having comment cards. We’ve cringed when we read that you were asked for an ID in order to receive a comment card. We’ve seen the oftentimes weak boilerplate letters that go out to passengers from TSA.

Well, in the spirit of striving for improvement today we’re launching the "Got Feedback?" program nationwide at all airports. We’re including a capability for passengers to contact us with very specific questions, comments, complaints, etc.

To get travelers attention, we are strategically placing “Got Feedback?” stickers in highly viewed areas on equipment and tables. The stickers contain the TSA Blog’s address.

When a passenger visits the blog, they’ll see a hyperlinked image of the “Got Feedback?” logo. After clicking on the image, the site will redirect to a map where you can click on the exact airport where you want to leave feedback.

After clicking on a specific airport, an e-mail form will open automatically addressed to that airport’s TSA Customer Support Manager. After submitting, the form will be delivered directly to the Customer Support Manager. The form will be similar to the comment cards that are currently in use.

Customer Support Managers will receive and respond to “Got Feedback?” e-mails for their airport. We are steering towards a more personal response rather than the cold, soulless response of a form letter.

The information the Customer Support Manager receives will be used to not only address concerns, but will also serve as content for local training and shift briefings directly with local TSOs and management.

As an alternative to leaving specific feedback with a Customer Support Managers, a link on the “Got Feedback?” page will be provided to the blog where passengers can also leave general feedback.

Many passengers have asked for a secret shopper type program and that’s basically what this is. We’re really excited about implementing it. We’re only as strong as our weakest link, and this will help us discover those links that need to be polished and repair them.

Got Feedback is not replacing the blog. It is simply allowing passengers to communicate directly with airport Customer Support Managers. Keep using the blog to discuss TSA-wide issues.

Edited at 1600 EDT to add: Coming Monday, look for the answers to your top 10 questions.


EoS Blog Team



Anonymous NoClu said...

Thanks for this development. It should be a helpful way to send information.

August 1, 2008 2:07 PM

Anonymous NoClu said...


Though I just tried the link and it didn't load on my computer.

August 1, 2008 2:09 PM

Anonymous Robert Johnson said...

I think this is a good step. I'm cautiously optimisitc. I guess we'll see what happens when things are filled out, if the responses are real (and acted upon) and if we see positive change at the checkpoint.

I really hope that there is someone real reading whatever is submitted. I've seen a lot of correspondence that shows that the original email wasn't even read ... more like a scanning tool picked out keywords and generated a response that had nothing to do with what was asked.

A couple things I noticed on the website that you may want to address:

The page is only showing partial encryption. Unfortunately, it doesn't show WHAT is being encrypted. For all anyone really knows, the map content is encrypted but the form isn't. I'd suggest encrypting the whole page to avoid the confusion. The blog submission form is encrypted.

I'm glad to see there's a privacy notice at the bottom of the screen, though it doesn't really come and say that it is. Might want to be a little more clear on that. Additionally, it says the collection ends on 8/31/2008. Is this just a one month trial or will it be updated to reflect an ongoing effort? Might want to look at that.

This can be a good step if you're really serious about this. My cautious optimism revolves around a lot of skepticism but I'm reserving judgment for now.


August 1, 2008 2:15 PM

Blogger Phil said...

That's probably a step in the right direction. It seems that the URI in your logo should be changed from www.tsa.gov/blog to www.tsa.gov/gotfeedback, although it might be useful to drop the cutesy dairy farmers slogan thing and just make it www.tsa.gov/feedback or tsa.gov/comments.

Also, to avoid confusion that is likely to travelers feeling the need to provide feedback, where has TSA published a list of all the rules and regulations that TSA will subject someone to if that person wishes to cross a U.S. Government checkpoint at an airport en route to the gate from which his domestic flight will depart? Please provide a URL or name of the government publication.

August 1, 2008 2:20 PM

Blogger Gunner said...

OK. Seem good on the surface.

What struck me is that the feedback is apparently going to the wrong place.

I read this as saying it goes to the airport's customer service manager -- but does that person have any place at all in the TSA chain of command?

Unless the blog was unclear and the e-mail goes to the airport's TSA customer service manager.

The next questions I have deal with control.
-- What is to keep the person receiving these from deleting all the negative comments?
-- Who else will get copies of these e-mails?

Not that we don't trust you (we don't!) but there are great opportunities for pencil-whipping and for Kip to come out and say -- "...we received 12,000 comments last month and 99.83% were favorable" which they were once the unfavorable ones were deleted.

You guys still need to have an independent p[assenger ombudsman who canot be fired for telling you that the Emporor has no clothes (shoes or nipple rings).

August 1, 2008 2:23 PM

Blogger Jim Huggins said...

Bob & company ...

a) This sounds like a great idea; I'm glad you're pursuing it.

b) As long as you're going to be putting lots of signs up with the "Got Feedback" logo ... why not put a bunch of comment cards with them, too? While some of us send far too much time online, there are people for whom the effort to get to the online feedback form will be too high an obstacle.

I'm sure that you know that this online form is a supplement to written cards, not a replacement. But I certainly agree that this could be a useful supplement.

August 1, 2008 2:33 PM

Anonymous Trollkiller said...

Great but I still think we need a secret shopper program. I got dibs on the first flight to Hawaii.

I would like to see the emails go not only to the airport’s Customer Support Manager but CCed to a customer support office at the TSA. This way if the customer does not get a satisfactory response from the person in the field the issue can be easily escalated.

Blogger Bob, I would like to promote this on my blog, can you give me the url of the "Got Feedback" logo in full size? I would like to resize it myself to keep the image clean.


August 1, 2008 2:35 PM

Blogger Wintermute said...

Bob said...

Edited at 1410 EST to add: Coming Monday, look for the answers to your top 10 questions.

Thanks for the edit, Bob. Sorry so anxious, but knowing when the answers are coming helps :)

August 1, 2008 2:47 PM

Blogger GSOLTSO said...

I think this has the option to be a very good thing. It can let passengers get specific feedback directly to the location where their confusion or problems occurred. It will also allow the specific location to explain the procedure or to help alleviate the confusion. That being said, this is going to be a NIGHTMARE for the person assigned callbacks for larger airports!!! I hope the staffing measures will be examined closely before promising to get back to each and every passenger/customer about their comments or questions. This has the makings of a fantastic program will a lot of logistical problems. I hope the head shed will be able to staff accordingly in order to keep up with the demand. I like the idea quite a bit!

August 1, 2008 3:13 PM

Anonymous V.L.D. said...

That’s good to hear, I’d expect that there are a lot of people out their that didn’t/don’t know about this blog or the comment cards.

As kind of an off shoot to this I think it would be great to give each airport it’s own section so that commenter can post things (good and bad) for everyone to see.


August 1, 2008 3:19 PM

Blogger Tomas said...

Fantastic, Blogger Bob!

I had a feeling something was simmering in the background, and now we know what it was. :o)

One suggestion (if it is not already done) is to forward a copy of the input for the TSA CS Manager to the ORIGINATOR'S e-mail address also, so they can actually have a copy of the information they put in, complete with date stamp. (That helps accountability...)

Pleased to see the Top Ten are making it through the mill, too.

Take care,

August 1, 2008 3:21 PM

Blogger GSOLTSO said...

We are lucky here at GSO, we have comment boxes and forms at our checkpoints. It helps us to address things that seem to be a trend and to give recognition to our people that do well and have positive comments. I hope more airports place them at the exits or near the screening areas to give "less technically experienced people" the chance to participate in a similiar program.

August 1, 2008 3:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an interesting first step and like Robert Johnson I am cautiously optimistic. The practice of asking for a passengers ID when they request a comment card has a chilling effect. This is a first step in the right direction and a sign someone is listening to the feedback on this blog.

I also agree with Gunner, the e-mail should also go to some at TSA Headquarters so there is oversight. To insure that all issues are addressed and resolved as well as to make sure problems aren't swept under the rug.

One of the 5 or 6 six people who post here all the time.

August 1, 2008 3:30 PM

Anonymous Kathy said...

Thanks, I think this is a great step in the right direction!

August 1, 2008 3:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the concept, however;

If an incident happens at Airport "A" and I send the comment to Airport "A" Customer service why should I expect that facility to fully investigate and resolve the issue.

Complaints need to be reported one level of management above the Airport level. Keeping the issue in house will lead to problems.

Will the comment cards go away entirley?

TSA needs a Single Point Of Contact for customer issues. Right idea, poor execution.

August 1, 2008 3:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed that there are blogs for certain airports but not for all of them. I would like to see blogs for all the different airports to see what people are saying and how they compare. Thank you.

August 1, 2008 3:37 PM

Anonymous jyindc said...

One suggestion to make the form easier to use would be to standardize the naming of all the airports to have city first, then name. For example, I was looking for San Jose, CA (SJC) and didn't see it until I scanned through the list to see "Norman Y. Mineta San Jose Intl...." The Sonoma airport, on the other hand, is simply listed as "Sonoma County - Charles M. Schultz Airport." This seems the most logical way to list them.

And Burbank doesn't even have a city, only "Bob Hope Airport." If you didn't know that was the name, how would someone be able to use the form effectively? I'd think it should say "Burbank" or, if you have to, "Burbank - Bob Hope Airport."

August 1, 2008 4:21 PM

Anonymous Craig said...

@Gunner said "What struck me is that the feedback is apparently going to the wrong place."

I had the same thought, but going through to the www.tsa.gov/blog site shows that TSA is doing the right thing. "After leaving your feedback, it will be emailed directly to the person in charge of TSA customer service at the airport for which you are commenting"

Bob, you might want to update the main article to clarify that the message goes to the TSA Customer Service people, not the airport Customer Service people.

Like many others, I'm cautiously optimistic that TSA is on the right track with this. Thanks!

August 1, 2008 4:32 PM

Blogger Gunner said...

And, to put the damper on another of your 'its Friday here are some nice warm cookies' posting....

According to the Washington Post

Federal agents may take a traveler's laptop or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed.

And you wonder why we are openly skeptical and frequently state our open distrust????

Yet another reason to never fly again!

August 1, 2008 6:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And, to put the damper on another of your 'its Friday here are some nice warm cookies' posting....

According to the Washington Post

Federal agents may take a traveler's laptop or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed.

And you wonder why we are openly skeptical and frequently state our open distrust????

Yet another reason to never fly again!"

Alarming post, but it's not TSA doing this. It's U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

August 1, 2008 6:38 PM

Anonymous Robert Johnson said...

Quote from Anonymous: "Alarming post, but it's not TSA doing this. It's U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement."

True, but it's a sister agency under the DHS umbrella. What's the old saying about the apple not falling far from the tree?

Considering DHS's propensity for ignoring law and civil rights and TSA showing the same general disdain, skepticism is understandable.


August 1, 2008 7:13 PM

Blogger Bob Eucher said...

I applaud your decision to implement this feedback system. It will give travelers a means of expressing themselves, and will make them feel part of the process. It also may remove some of the animosity directed to the agents, as now passengers can express themselves to those that are in a position to possibly correct problem areas. I hope that it works out and makes a difference.

August 1, 2008 7:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please remember that some people do not have access to the internet, or have accessibility issues that prevent them from using your website. Do not do away with paper cards, and please provide a toll-free number as well.

August 2, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sticker does not even send them to the right place. It sends them to this blog. This thread is not going to be the top blog forever. What the heck?

August 2, 2008 3:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Robert Johnson said...
Quote from Anonymous: "Alarming post, but it's not TSA doing this. It's U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement."

True, but it's a sister agency under the DHS umbrella. What's the old saying about the apple not falling far from the tree?

Considering DHS's propensity for ignoring law and civil rights and TSA showing the same general disdain, skepticism is understandable.


Lumping together Customs and ICE, 2 agencies that have been largely competent and of which I haven't heard any abuses of power from these guys with the TSA just because they are part of the DHS... is unfair...

It's not fair to post this here, the TSA has enough grief about stuff that the TSA has done wrong.

August 2, 2008 8:43 AM

Anonymous Sandra said...

This seems like a very positive step.

My one concern would be with screeners who refuse to give passengers their names when requested, whether it be for a compliment or a complaint.

Screeners, on all levels, must be instructed to provide passengers with their name, not necessarily their full name, when asked.

August 2, 2008 1:01 PM

Anonymous Abelard said...

Two things:

We’ve cringed when we read that you were asked for an ID in order to receive a comment card.

Thank you for addressing this issue. Why was the policy of showing ID for obtaining a comment card enacted in the first place? Or was this just TSOs acting out of place? Clearly, the team behind the blog "cringed" when they heard that so why was it not nixed immediately?

Many passengers have asked for a secret shopper type program and that’s basically what this is.

I completely disagree. This is not basically like a secret shopper program at all. A friend of mine is a paid secret shopper for a third party contracted by a hotel chain. His job is to fly to random hotels within the chain and check in, rate the room, see if all the channels on the TV are working, checks out the bar to see if the bartender is doing his or her job, calls Housekeeping for extra pillows, etc.

He then writes up a substantial and detailed report that is then sent back to the hotel chain. The report is completely unbiased because it doesn't come from an actual paying customer (who may have an axe to grind) nor can it be dismissed by hotel management as just a complaint from a disgruntled customer.

That is a secret shopper program. The TSA doesn't have an independent person approaching various TSA check points in various airports and the writing up a "verbatim" of what he or she encountered and filing that report.

While I certainly applaud your efforts in addressing customer complaints, I am a bit concerned that without a bona fide secret shopper program this will simply devolve into a he said/she said situation where a customer complains that TSO Ricky was verbally abusive, Ricky says no he wasn't and that ends the conversation.

August 2, 2008 2:06 PM

Anonymous Earl Pitts said...

@Anonymous: "Lumping together Customs and ICE, 2 agencies that have been largely competent and of which I haven't heard any abuses of power from these guys with the TSA just because they are part of the DHS... is unfair..."

First of all, I guess you haven't been reading the news about search and seizure of laptops, iPods, cell phones, even "pocket trash" that can occur at the whim of the agent simply because DHS feels like it can.

TSA lumps us all in with criminals and terrorists using the guilty until proven innocent mentality instead of innocent until proven guilty. It isn't exactly fair to the traveling public, of whom the vast majority doesn't have any terror or criminal element to them. If you want to talk about fair, let's fix that first.

Poor TSA. Boohoo. Pardon me if I don't have any sympathy.

August 2, 2008 10:20 PM

Blogger Jim Huggins said...

Abelard writes:

This is not basically like a secret shopper program at all. A friend of mine is a paid secret shopper [...] He then writes up a substantial and detailed report that is then sent back to the hotel chain. The report is completely unbiased because it doesn't come from an actual paying customer (who may have an axe to grind) nor can it be dismissed by hotel management as just a complaint from a disgruntled customer.

One of the problems, though, with mystery shoppers, is that the word usually gets out that the mystery shoppers are around ... and then the staff goes on their best behavior. (See this story for an example.) And, thus, the "mystery" somewhat disappears. (Kind of like how no one is supposed to be able to recognize the air marshals on a flight, except that lots of people do recognize them because of their behaviors ...)

I've read other anecdotal stories about mystery shoppers having their covers blown, specifically because they seemed to be paying a little too much attention to the staff.

Your points about professional mystery shoppers are all well-taken and valid ... and I hope TSA does some of this as well. But the advantage of this system is that, essentially, *all* of us can become mystery shoppers ... and no BDO can tell the difference, because our primary motivation isn't to shop, it's to get to our destination ...

August 2, 2008 11:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting to find out if the people who fixed the Las Vegas checkpoint line disaster will be recognized or rewarded for their solution.

Also would like an answer as to why the new TSA uniform for female TSO's seems to be a 'all women are the same size up top' design.

Feedback is a good idea, but how about we send all feedback in two directions, say to TSA Management and TSA local office.

August 3, 2008 12:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Secret shopper? Have the airlines question a selected passenger at the gate (if there is time) about the passenger's treatment at the hands of TSA. Give the passenger a meal certificate. Easy to do.

One of the regular 5-6 people who post.

August 3, 2008 10:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Still waiting to find out if the people who fixed the Las Vegas checkpoint line disaster will be recognized or rewarded for their solution

I've been through the herd control a LAS several of times. Can you please tell us what has changed?


August 3, 2008 11:05 AM

Anonymous HSVTSO Dean said...

Sandra wrote:
Screeners, on all levels, must be instructed to provide passengers with their name, not necessarily their full name, when asked.

To my knowledge, they were supposed to have already done that. It happened... oh, four years ago, I think. Now, granted, that might have just been a Huntsville thing - I didn't pay as much keen attention to the SDs and MDs and such back then as I do now - but we were instructed that if any passenger asked for our name for any reason, or for no reason at all, we're to give them the information listed on the nameplate on the right shirt pocket.

To be specific: firstname.serialnumber.

I'm kind of been surprised that most other places don't seem to be doing the same thing.

Anonymous wrote:
Still waiting to find out if the people who fixed the Las Vegas checkpoint line disaster will be recognized or rewarded for their solution.

Just out of curiosity, what exactly are you referring to there?

And, even without knowing what happened, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no. TSA is just as shoddy about giving out the attaboys as they are about giving our wrist-slaps. Just like you have to do something monumentally wrong to have instant punishment brought down upon you, so too do you usually have to do something monumentally awesome to get a pat on the back.

Anonymous wrote:
Also would like an answer as to why the new TSA uniform for female TSO's seems to be a 'all women are the same size up top' design.

To be honest, I don't think it's just the new uniforms. I was under the impression that that's been the cut of the female shirt all along.

August 3, 2008 11:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to Phil "where has TSA published a list of all the rules and regulations that TSA will subject someone to if that person wishes to cross a U.S. Government checkpoint at an airport en route to the gate from which his domestic flight will depart?"
It's right on their website. Click "For travelers".

August 3, 2008 1:05 PM

Blogger Gunner said...

Robert Johnson said
Alarming post, but it's not TSA doing this. It's U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Sorry Robert (and thank you for being brave enough to identify yourself) but I take the big view that if it happens at the airport it is TSA's fault. And yes, that extends to getting run over by a Hertz shuttle bus.

After all, I am a criminal simply because I want to fly.

August 3, 2008 4:36 PM

Blogger Tomas said...

Yet another Anononymous poster wrote...
In response to Phil "where has TSA published a list of all the rules and regulations that TSA will subject someone to if that person wishes to cross a U.S. Government checkpoint at an airport en route to the gate from which his domestic flight will depart?"
It's right on their website. Click "For travelers".

The information there is neither complete nor correct as has already been covered on this blog.

Actually, ALL of us are waiting for a legitimate answer to this question as it has direct application to our individual travels.

Hopefully this will be one of the Top Ten Questions and Answers that Blogger Bob hopes to answer tomorrow.

August 3, 2008 11:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work, this will help a lot.

Next...something specific showing how the problems were addressed, specifically in terms of employee discipline or firings. If the misbehaviors are occurring in the public eye, the punishment needs to be also.

August 4, 2008 1:25 AM

Blogger CBGB said...

heres my feedback. This is pointless and I think its worth another letter to my congressmen, my senators, and a few other relevant members of the DHS' congressional oversight.

the last 6 posts (aka the front page) contain a total of 14 EOS blogger posts. 12 from Bob 1 from Lynn and 1 from Nico. That compares to 948 comments from the gen pop. So your responses to comments make up 1.4% of the comments. Thats not really going to make a good way of working towards you purpose:

"The purpose of this blog is to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on innovations in security, technology and the checkpoint screening process."

Especially when you consider that several (by my judgement 7) of the comments provide no substance to the blog whatsoever. using that, would make the percentage... 0.7%.

When this started out, you actually madea few corrections to policies when they were pointed out. Whether that was an actual show of good faith or simply blowing smoke I can't really tell, but now we have 5 bloggers (should we even count Sterling?) and nothing except press releases. You want our feedback but consider it secret.

And before the creatures come out of the woodwork, Bob (and to a lesser extent et. al.) I think you probably are doing your best. Your simply cogs in a much large much more broken machine. The issue is the shoes. Heck scan my socks! the issue is that your amangment doesn't know their heads from their hind quarters. Theres a reason the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA have always listened to career officers with experience and real knowledge. Unfortunately in the hacked together nature of your responses to threats, substantiated or not, just make the situation worse. The things your officers do on a daily basis regularly include retaliatory screenings (including of veterans and disabled children) This isn't a situation of a 'few bad apples' this is institutionalized negligence protected by simple laziness.

August 4, 2008 2:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote from Gunner: "Sorry Robert (and thank you for being brave enough to identify yourself) but I take the big view that if it happens at the airport it is TSA's fault. And yes, that extends to getting run over by a Hertz shuttle bus.

After all, I am a criminal simply because I want to fly."

I think you misquoted me, Gunner. That was me quoting the other poster, not me actually saying that.

I think I should have developed a sufficient enough of a reputation by now that I would be blasting something like that rather than saying that. :D


August 4, 2008 10:43 AM

Anonymous Abelard said...

One of the problems, though, with mystery shoppers, is that the word usually gets out that the mystery shoppers are around ... and then the staff goes on their best behavior.

I certainly understand that such a problem could present itself, but with a TSA check point, the speed is frenetic and unless everyone knows the "mystery shoppers" looks by heart they are going to have a tough time suddenly shaping up as this person goes through security.

In any event, I would rather take that small chance than rely on the Got Feedback program.

As I said, what is to prevent this from being a he said/she said?

August 4, 2008 12:47 PM

Blogger BlognDog said...

It's Monday.

August 4, 2008 1:12 PM

Anonymous tso rachel said...

"My one concern would be with screeners who refuse to give passengers their names when requested, whether it be for a compliment or a complaint.

Screeners, on all levels, must be instructed to provide passengers with their name, not necessarily their full name, when asked."

We hcurrently have our first name and employee number on our nametags that we are required to wear at all times. With our new uniforms, we will have our last names listed on our nametags along with our employee number. If a TSO refuses to show you their nameplate or hides it from you, you can always ask another TSO or the supervisor.

August 4, 2008 2:07 PM

Blogger Gunner said...

I think I should have developed a sufficient enough of a reputation by now that I would be blasting something like that rather than saying that. :D


You are correct.
I had my stupid hat on.

Forgive me for stupidly confusing you with a TSA apologist. I know better.

August 4, 2008 2:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Rachel, quite often, in the real world, supervisors refuse to require a screener to give his/her name, nor will the supervisor provide his or her name to a passenger requesting such.

August 4, 2008 2:43 PM

Anonymous Trollkiller said...

BlognDog said...

It's Monday.

I predict Blogger Bob will post the answers at 4:59 pm. He will hit send and be out the door before the "Upload Successful" message appears.

I know it it was me I want a running start. "Gimme three steps, gimme three steps mister, give me three steps towards the door"

August 4, 2008 2:44 PM

Anonymous Robert Johnson said...

Quote from TSO Rachel: "We hcurrently have our first name and employee number on our nametags that we are required to wear at all times. With our new uniforms, we will have our last names listed on our nametags along with our employee number. If a TSO refuses to show you their nameplate or hides it from you, you can always ask another TSO or the supervisor."

Problem comes when it's the supervisor that's refusing to give you their name/ID number. Additionally, some have attempted to hide their names. A friend of mine had to wait until the TSO let his guard down while pleading his case to the supervisor to get the TSO's name.


August 4, 2008 2:47 PM

Blogger Jim Huggins said...

Abelard writes:

As I said, what is to prevent this from being a he said/she said?

Actually, you still have this problem with mystery shoppers. Granted, mystery shoppers have a higher presumption of correctness, but it's still one person's word against another.

The thing that could possibly make this different from "he-said, she-said" is volume. One complaint registered regarding a particular airport screening experience might be a difference of opinion. A hundred complaints about the same airport experience carries significantly more weight.

August 4, 2008 3:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it's 5 pm Eastern, without the "top 10" questions, or their answers, posted on the blog.

August 4, 2008 5:01 PM

Blogger Gunner said...

Unfortunately, Rachel, quite often, in the real world, supervisors refuse to require a screener to give his/her name, nor will the supervisor provide his or her name to a passenger requesting such.

Which is exactly why an independent passenger ombudsman is a necessity.

August 4, 2008 5:56 PM

Anonymous HSVTSO Dean said...

Blogndog wrote:
It's Monday.

Very well spotted.

It's also, I believe, the end of the business day. Where they at, Bob?

August 4, 2008 6:15 PM

Blogger Bob said...

One thing you folks should know about me and many others here at HQ is that we don't hit the door after our 8 hours are up. :)

I'm still here and answers to your questions are going up tonight.


EoS Blog Team

August 4, 2008 6:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And it's 5 pm Eastern, without the "top 10" questions, or their answers, posted on the blog.

If I miss my guess the delay is because Bob has to get officially sanctioned answers from the TSA powers that be. As we all know the wheels of bureaucracy can turn slowly. Even more so while you wait for the legal department to give final approval.

I think Bob is doing his best and its beyond his controi.

August 4, 2008 6:57 PM

Blogger CBGB said...

so we're about 2 hours past close of business...guess no 10 questions today.


August 4, 2008 6:58 PM

Blogger Gunner said...

I suspect poor blogger Bob is not unlike an escaped convict on the run.

He has the dogs of war (the blogger community) nipping at his heels as he runs as fast as humanly possible.

And then he has the TSA management (legal/PR/Kipster/et al) giving him sound advice: Run left! Run right! Jump! Crawl! Hide there! No, there! Faster, faster, you fool, you fool! Tell them the truth! Lie! Make something up!

Bob...as one who has spent a good lifetime in mass communications, I don't envy you.

August 4, 2008 7:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks. I got with Lynn & Glen and both links now jive with the same and correct info.

"We recommend, but do not require, that your medications be labeled to assist with the screening process."


Bob, I've been posting this example contradiction repeatedly since way back in January or February when TSA TSO NY said unlabeled containers were prohibited. It is nice to see that you have finally made a change.

Still, the long time it took to make this small change doesn't give me much confidence in your "Got Feedback" program. How long until we can reliably carry a clearly recognizable battery pack with us?

August 5, 2008 1:24 PM

Blogger Brandon said...

CrewPASS is a great service just wondering why it took 6 yrs too implement. Also as this will be implemented nation wide some things I've seen is get a bar code or card swipe that will read the pilots information on the badge speeding up the process. Also in order to keep crew Unity the flight attendants need to be added to crewPASS.

ALPA Pilot

August 5, 2008 3:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that TSA employees are being given hour-and-a-half classes on how to care for their new badges that will be issued on September 11th, 2008. Why does it take so long between training and issuance of badges? Are they being forged on Mount Doom or something?

August 6, 2008 2:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I heard that TSA employees are being given hour-and-a-half classes on how to care for their new badges that will be issued on September 11th, 2008. Why does it take so long between training and issuance of badges? Are they being forged on Mount Doom or something?

No they weren’t forged on Mount Doom, I don’t think . . . If they were they’ve got a really good courier service because we’ve already taken delivery on them.

Here in LA we’ve got approximately 2200 uniformed personnel. We’re going to run classes of 50 people at a time, four or five times a day, for four days a week beginning on August 9th. The way we figure it, that will get the majority of our workforce trained by the end of August. We don’t want to have a more aggressive training schedule because, let’s face it, 50 people out of the screening functions and into a classroom at a time is going to be a little bit noticeable to the traveling public during the busy summer months. We’re OK with it being a ‘little bit noticeable’ but we don’t want to seriously impact screening efficiency or timeliness.

There will always be some training stragglers; those who are on vacation, those who are fulfilling military obligations, etc. The lag time between the end of August and September 11th will give us an opportunity to train some of them. Our Officers will be issued their badges on the same day they receive their training and we’re asking them to hang-on to the badges until September 11th because that’s the date we’ve chosen to change over from the old uniforms to the new. Since we won’t be done training until the beginning of September anyway, why not wait until September 11th when we can make the change-over on a day that so meaningful to so many of us?


August 6, 2008 6:24 PM

Anonymous HSVTSO Dean said...

Blondie wrote:
Our Officers will be issued their badges on the same day they receive their training and we’re asking them to hang-on to the badges until September 11th because that’s the date we’ve chosen to change over from the old uniforms to the new.

Pretty much the same deal here in Huntsville.

Dollars to pesos says that... oh... let's go with 1.5% of the entire screening corps manages to lose their badges at some point or another and gets terminated.

August 8, 2008 11:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that as fellow Americans after 9/11 there should be a level of respect given to TSO‘s. They risk their lives every day to protect you, the traveling public. I think we should all remember that in our hurry to catch a flight we are selfish and cruel to the same people who; (along side a spectacular team of federal and non-federal agencies) keep you safe on very that flight. We have to be mindful of the fact that the lines are long for a number of reasons, usually numerous bag checks;(like that water you conveniently forgot . . . again) that causes irritation among passengers as well as TSO’s for having to divert attention to a minor security violation that could have easily avoided.
Pay attention! Be apart of the process and not against it in every airport. It’s not as hard as you’d like to make it. The lines move as fast as the passengers; meaning Reading Is Fundamental, simply put. Don’t say it wasn’t posted or you didn’t know ASK, READ and most importantly FOLLOW THROUGH. Maybe while we’re doing all this bashing we could point out how to make this situation better. Be Proactive.
Now as a TSO myself; I will not state that there is nothing to be improved upon; that would be a false statement. TSA has problems in the infrastructure that contributes to the lack of pride morale and overall disrespected and upsetting disposition of the base level at TSA.
Understand that this blog, although intended for passenger use alone; will undoubtedly rip at the seams, from daily entries from anonymous TSO’s afraid to state their name for sake of their careers.
When WE as Americans start to respect and understand each other on both sides; the understood fear of flight and worrisome nature of the endeavor, coupled with the stressful over worked, underpaid and underappreciated work force that is TSA, we begin to pave a new path where Americans are a active apart of securing their country and the TERRORIST stand out.

August 8, 2008 11:36 AM

Blogger Tomas said...

Anonymous wrote...
believe that as fellow Americans after 9/11 there should be a level of respect given to TSO‘s. They risk their lives every day to protect you, the traveling public.

Whoa! They do WHAT? Are they in any more danger than the average traveler in the United States? No way. Heck, the passengers are in MUCH more danger - they get on the planes.

I spent my time in a War Zone many years ago, as our National Anthem says:

"O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!"

...And some of my boys did not come back.

Those TSOs aren't throwing themselves in front of a bullet aimed at me, they aren't in any more danger than I, they are not risking their lives for their country as so many military veterans have and are still doing.

DO NOT try to falsely assign that honor to them.

Sorry, I didn't read the rest of what you wrote, you lost me right there.

RVN '69-70

August 8, 2008 5:15 PM

Anonymous Miller said...

I believe that as fellow Americans after 9/11 there should be a level of respect given to TSO‘s.

Why? As an organization TSA walks all over the traveling public. Tell me of any TSA heroism. Tell me of a TSO who captured one terrorist. You get the respect you've earned. In the military I had to respect officers that I sometimes had an immense dislike for. At least there I had to respect the uniform, not the person.

They risk their lives every day to protect you, the traveling public.

Tell me when a TSO was injured on the job stopping a terrorist attack. Paper cuts don't count, nor do slipping on the floor while going for coffee.

I think we should all remember that in our hurry to catch a flight we are selfish and cruel to the same people who; (along side a spectacular team of federal and non-federal agencies) keep you safe on very that flight.

Selfish and cruel? Speak for yourself. I avoid any conversation and personal interactions with TSA not out of cruelness, but the same way you would avoid a neighborhood dog that lunges against the fence every time you walk by.

We have to be mindful of the fact that the lines are long for a number of reasons, usually numerous bag checks;(like that water you conveniently forgot . . . again) that causes irritation among passengers as well as TSO’s for having to divert attention to a minor security violation that could have easily avoided.

Long lines? Depends on where you're flying out of on that trip. Recently, my screening time is less than 10 minutes and that includes waiting in line. The liquids issue has never been a problem. Sure I would like to purchase 1L drinks at the same price for a .5L price you pay at the airport and bring them through without grief, but until TSA relents that won't happen.

Pay attention! Be apart of the process and not against it in every airport.

Go with the flow? Hahahahahahaha. I've got an axe to grind with TSA, its lack of accountability, half baked procedures, expanding into new roles while unable to perform their current jobs at a better than 50% effectiveness (red team test results), the way handicapped are dealt with (got first hand experience on that on), the way TSA nearly totally disregards the security of passenger's baggage, the war on both shoes and water, making sure that a passenger has valid ID (easily faked), and data mining on passengers.

Got to work somewhat on those things before you get the respect you seem to believe should automatically be given to you. Respect is earned. You haven't earned it.

August 8, 2008 6:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to work somewhat on those things before you get the respect you seem to believe should automatically be given to you. Respect is earned. You haven't earned it.

Miller said this.

And your absolutly right, so when you go through screening with the attitude that the person doing his job is less of a person than you because you don't happen to agree with the policy that he or she is entrusted to enforce, don't wonder why you don't get the respect that you feel you deserve. Simple treat people the way you want to be treated. I overheard a passenger call a TSO stupid today and another TSO politely informed the passenger that the TSO they were calling stupid was not only a TSO but he is currently serving in the Armed Forced and recently returned from tours of duty in both Iraq and Afghanastan. The passengers response was that stupid idiot. So for all of you that are blowing your own horn about your prior military service and those of you who forget who contributed for you to have the right to call someone stupid (freedom of speech)remember treat others the way you want to be treated.

Are there problems with some of the policies of TSA. Yes. But attacking the charater of the people who enforce those policies isn't the way to change them.

Tom RVN 69-70. I'm sure you felt good about your service time, otherwise you wouldn't bring it up. I can recall when the American people didn't support you or the rest of the Vets from that era. It probably didn't make you feel good then, so imagine what you are doing to the people of TSA who are following orders from their superiors. I know someone is going to say that these TSOs are making thir own rules as they go and not following orders. But the fact of the matter is that their rules are set for inconsistencies for a reason that I don't beleive I'm authorized to go into. So all I and the rest of the TSOs ask is cut us a break. Your greivence is with the law makers not us.

August 8, 2008 10:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomas wrote: "The information there is neither complete nor correct as has already been covered on this blog."
How is that information not correct or complete? I just had my 10 year old read it and she understood. For example: no id= additional screening. It also states in several places that if you do not comply with Security Officers, you will not be allowed to board your flight.

August 10, 2008 5:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

@anonymous: "So all I and the rest of the TSOs ask is cut us a break. Your greivence is with the law makers not us."

My grievance with you TSOs is that you don't push back against your idiot management. If they give you an x-ray tool that can't tell the difference between a snow-globe and a grenade and you pretend it is effective, you're just putting in time and pulling in paychecks while sniffing shoes. You are not "evolving security". Saying "just following orders" from idiot management and CYA lawmakers doesn't earn you any respect.

August 11, 2008 5:02 PM

Anonymous Miller said...

And your absolutly right, so when you go through screening with the attitude that the person doing his job is less of a person than you because you don't happen to agree with the policy that he or she is entrusted to enforce, don't wonder why you don't get the respect that you feel you deserve.

Respect from TSA? You've got to be kidding. I want from TSA is to resecure my baggage so it all arrives intact. I've come to expect from most TSOs is grief coupled with more grief. I don't expect either my luggage nor my person to be treated with anything that resembles common courtesy.

August 11, 2008 9:57 PM

Blogger John Mc said...

Do TSA personnel wear large easy to read identification numbers? Submitting feedback that says "some guy was rude" won't necessarily help the problem... If I'm able to say Boston TSA agent 1234 did this to me, it would be a lot more effective...

August 13, 2008 4:35 PM

Blogger Jennifer-SGU said...

I really like the idea of passengers being able to leave feedback that will get directly to the managers of the specific airport they have traveled through. Is there any way others can read the different comments left? We would love to see how our airport in SGU is doing. We always try and be friendly to all our passengers.

August 14, 2008 10:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I can't understand is why some airports require passengers to remove their shoes, some only "recommend" it, and others do neither (they let you walk through with your shoes still on). Why would there be a difference in policy? Also, if an Xray can detect problems with shoes, why wouldn't the Xray be able to detect the problem while the shoe is still on the person?

August 18, 2008 12:19 AM

Blogger Phil said...

Someone anonymously wrote:

"What I can't understand is why some airports require passengers to remove their shoes, some only "recommend" it, and others do neither (they let you walk through with your shoes still on). Why would there be a difference in policy?"

Good question. Here's another, the answer to which could help clear all this up:

Where has TSA published a list of all the rules and regulations that TSA will subject someone to if that person wishes to cross a U.S. Government checkpoint at an airport en route to the gate from which his domestic flight will depart, not including laws that the person is required to abide by outside of the airport checkpoint (i.e., just those rules and regulations that apply only at the checkpoint). Please provide a URL or name of the government publication.

Surely there's a simple answer to this. We require every air traveler to follow certain rules in addition to normal law that people are required to abide by at all times. Where have we published those rules so that travelers can make themselves familiar with them in order to comply?

August 18, 2008 1:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What I can't understand is why some airports require passengers to remove their shoes, some only "recommend" it, and others do neither (they let you walk through with your shoes still on). Why would there be a difference in policy? Also, if an Xray can detect problems with shoes, why wouldn't the Xray be able to detect the problem while the shoe is still on the person?

August 18, 2008 12:19 AM

Without sounding to harsh, they would be able to if you want to ride the conveyor belt through the x-ray machine, but I would recommend against that.

August 19, 2008 12:31 PM

Anonymous Miller said...

Please tell us about the aircraft ORD TSOs damaged, about who will pay for the repairs, and what are the consequences for a TSO who damages an aircraft.

August 19, 2008 7:13 PM

Anonymous Donald Horwitz said...

I had a hip replacement in Feb '07 and therefore I'm searched each time I go through security. (This is the same for knees I'm sure)Depending on the TSA inspector and airport this can be an uneventful or highly invasive/demeaning procedure. Can this process be modified (and standardized)so that the passenger is issued a "frequent traveler" ID that shows where the implant occured and eliminate the pat/rub-down phase of the search, This is real problem for me and I'm 61. I can't imagiine how difficult it must be for much older persons.

September 4, 2008 4:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a passenger who has been traveling for years, in these last few years I have dread the idea of going through security checks because of the long lines and most times unpleasant agents. Just a few inutes ago, I had the pleasure of encountering the agents at the Fort Lauderdale Airport flying with Delta. All the agents were really accomadating and the process was made almost seemless. A real standout among the TSA's was David Peskin. He took the time to carefully explain the process and made me both comfortable and almost happy to have been going through the process for a change; I remember just smiling through the whole thing as I thought how much this had made my travel experience that much better. I took the me to write this even before I boarded my flight because as a young man who has worked with Northwest Airlines and Enterprise Rent-a-car both of which are huge on customer service, I feel it necessary to herald excellent customer because those experiences are few and far between. To the supervisors of Mr. Peskin I say, you have in him an awesome employee that needs to be cherished. It is my hope that in the future my experience in traveling will be as pleasant as the one I had today. GO DAVID, GO TSA'S!!!!

September 6, 2008 12:44 PM


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