Michael Godino
October 27, 2002


Comments Regarding: Draft Guidelines for Accessible Public Rights-OF-Way

I support the submitted Draft and feel that you should also support this proposed draft.  As a proud member of the blind community, I feel I should be provided the same level of safety given to my sighted peers when traveling as a pedestrian. 
These proposals will provide an adequate level of safety while creating an added level of uniformity so people who are blind will have the option of knowing the intersection prier to arriving and evaluating it.  I have had the opportunity to work with the NY DOT on the installation of an accessible pedestrian signal at a pedestrian crossing.  This installation has been on going for the past four years and sill is not satisfactory.  It seems there are no regulations and NY DOT is making up the regulations as they go forward with the installation of inferior signals.  At the beginning a group of concerned blind citizens approached the DOT to state our needs, however, our needs were not the deciding factor on what was purchased, and now we are in the process of making change such that the signal becomes usable.
Thus, I feel that the adoption of the proposed draft should move forward as soon as possible.  These proposals will make the pedestrian crossing more safe and usable to people who are blind.
Thank you,
Michael Godino

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