Adele Geringer
October 21, 2002

I am writing to support accessible pedestrian signals and detectable warning for the blind in all states. Many blind people cross streets and cannot see when the visual sign states walk or don't walk. They have to listen to hear if cars are coming or not. Even if they think it is safe, and hear no traffic, a car can come and make a right on red that a blind person once in the crosswalk is unaware of.

More blind people get killed by cars or injured in car accidents because of just such incidents. Even motor vehicles in our states does not have on the test a question regarding mandatory stopping for red and white canes and there is a large population that does not even know what this cane means. The accessible pedestrian signals at least give a clear signal to the blind individual that it is safe to cross. These set ups usually discourage rights on red which also makes it a safer set up for the blind. Please support continuing this accessability device.

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