Patty Bessant 
October 17, 2002

Dear Accessibility Board,

This is written in haste, as I am heading for Bend tomorrow to attend the 2002 convention of the American Council of the Blind of Oregon.

Yesterday I participated in the crossing of eight streets, location unknown, after which I answered several questions for reach. I worked with Janet and Beezie. They mentioned that a letter of support for audible signals might be appreciated. It seems to me that they mentioned a date of October 18 as being a deadline; however, our convention is not until the eighteenth. This may be totally unuseful, but we have been involved with the audible signal program from the beginning and plan to keep enthusiastic all the way.

Thank you for understanding the sequence of events. I hope these signatures will be helpful.

Sincerely yours,

Patty Bessant


October 18, 2002

To: Accessibility Board
From: American Council of the Blind
Re: Audible signals

We, the undersigned, acknowledge the incalculable value of audible signals for blind, visually impaired, as well as countless other individuals. As pedestrians we can travel about with more freedom and confidence while involved in daily living. As congestion of streets continues to increase, so does the role of audible signals in ease of mobility.

Thank you for your continued interest.

[Attachment containing signatures of individuals]


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