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USAID: From The American People USAID Weekly At a fair in Touba Toul, a Senegalese merchant with her infant strapped to her back exchanges her produce for USAID-funded seed vouchers - Click to read this story
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USAID Weekly

ISSUE X • September 25

Top Story

Mrs. Bush's Remarks at a Global Health and Literacy Luncheon

The Pierpont Morgan Library and Museum
New York, New York

Every September, world leaders gather in New York for the opening of the United Nations General Assembly. They come to advance the United Nations' historic mission. It's a mission that an American First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, helped to shape. Mrs. Roosevelt was an author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, crafted in the aftermath of World War II. The Declaration enshrined the rights that belong to every human being, regardless of gender, religion, race or class. Among those fundamental rights is one that's important to every person in this room. "Everyone," the Declaration states, "has the right to education…." (more).

President's International Education Initiative:

Top Story

USAID Announces Additional $2 Million to Fund Text Books for Ghana's School Children

Henrietta Fore, the Acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced that Chicago State University (CSU) would receive a $2 million grant to allow it to develop, produce and distribute textbooks for schoolchildren in Ghana.

The award comes two years after CSU received $3 million under President Bush's African Education Initiative to fund its Textbooks and Learning Materials Program (TLMP) in Ghana, part of an overall Administration effort to provide 15 million textbooks and other learning materials to Africa's children by 2010.The new funding will allow the university to provide additional textbooks for children at the kindergarten level and grades one through three.

"We are proud of our extensive association with American colleges and universities, such as Chicago State University, where we tap into the resources and know-how of the best and brightest of this country," Fore said in announcing the additional funding.

At the same time as Fore's announcement, Deputy Chief of Mission from the Ghanaian Embassy to the United States, Irene Addo, announced an additional $1 million grant on behalf of the Ghanaian Government to an institution in the United States for the same effort.

"This is the first time in Ghana's history that books have been created in partnership with the United States which has countrywide distribution and sustainable impact," said Adama Conteh, executive director of CSU's Office of International Programs and the program director for TLMP.

The African Education Initiative is a $600 million, multi-year effort to improve basic education in Africa, and compliments USAID's long-term education efforts on the continent. (source)

USAID World News
Photo: Youth installing solar panels

Training Youth for Energy Jobs Among Brazil’s poor, youth unemployment can be as high as 66 percent. Young people looking for work lack the skills, experience, and education that make them desirable in a tight labor market. Another, very different, problem among the poor is access to electricity…

Map of Turkmenistan

Project HOPE and USAID help to open a TB Training Center at the Turkmen State Medical Institute (pdf, 48kb)
With the support from Project HOPE and USAID, a training center was opened at the Department of Tuberculosis of the Turkmen State Medical Institute …

Photo: Bombed-out bridge in Lebanon

Assistance to Lebanon
The United States has a great deal of concern for the innocent civilian populations on both sides of the border who need humanitarian aid…

Map of Africa with DRC highlighted

USAID Airlifts $2.9M of Emergency Commodities to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
USAID is airlifting to the DRC essential household items including plastic sheeting for building temporary shelters, blankets, cooking sets and other supplies that will benefit up to 100,000 people…. (more)

In The News

USAID honors Secretary Shultz with Annual George C. Marshall Award
Each year, USAID presents this award to individuals whose ideals most closely embody those of General George C. Marshall and who have made outstanding contributions to international peace, stability, and development.…(more)

USAID Provides Additional Flood Assistance to Uganda
USAID is providing an additional $400,000 to assist flood-affected populations in Eastern Uganda. The funds will be used to purchase and distribute shelter materials, improve access to safe water and provide agricultural and other necessary assistance … (more)

Telling Our Story

Affordable Health Care Saves Lives

Women in Bangwa, Cameroon, gather to launch a community Mutual Health Organization.
Abt Associates/Abdoulaye Ba

“USAID is helping communities find affordable health care options through a novel approach to health insurance”

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Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:52:00 -0500