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Affirmative action and diversity requirements in position descriptions and performance evaluations




DHS remains committed to compliance with the Governor’s executive orders requiring the inclusion of diversity and affirmative action requirements in position descriptions and performance evaluations.


Gov. Kulongoski’s Executive Order 08-18, signed on August 19, 2008, extends and expands on the provisions of Executive Order 05-01. Under these executive orders, state agencies must ensure that the position descriptions of all executive service and supervisory managers contain affirmative action and diversity responsibilities by Jan. 30, 2009. These responsibilities also must be incorporated into their annual performance evaluations.


These requirements have been in effect since 2005. A DAS audit in July 2008 found that only about 70 percent of position descriptions and performance evaluations statewide complied with the affirmative action and diversity requirements. DHS is committed to 100 percent compliance by the Jan. 30, 2009, deadline.


Please review the 2007-09 DHS Affirmative Action Plan. In particular, Section 3 deals with “Roles for Implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan.”


DHS will be reviewing all supervisory management and executive service employees’ position descriptions regarding affirmative action and diversity responsibilities.



Position description requirements for affirmative action and diversity


Keep in mind that based on the DHS program area, section or cluster, affirmative action and diversity duties may look different and position descriptions may need to be adjusted appropriately.


All supervisory managers are urged to take the online Position Description training. Login at the DHS Learning Center  and navigate to Courses & Registration/Find A Course & Register. Search for this course using the keyword: position.


Examples of affirmative action and diversity related duties that could be listed in the Duties section (Section 3) of the position description include but are not limited to:

  • Demonstrates understanding of DHS’ affirmative action objectives and actively seeks to achieve goals.
  • Develops strategies to recruit, retain and promote a diverse staff that represents the population being served in Oregon.
  • Consistently treats customers, stakeholders, partners and coworkers with dignity and respect.
  • Demonstrates recognition of the value of individual and cultural difference; creates a work environment where talents and abilities are valued.
  • Models a positive attitude regarding diversity. Communicates the importance of diversity in staff meetings, and includes diversity discussions in communications with staff.
  • Creates and maintains a work environment that is respectful and accepting of diversity. Sets clear guidelines for expected behaviors and clear methods for reporting inappropriate behaviors.
  • Assures that service delivery is provided in a culturally competent way; assures that printed materials are available in different languages and/or in alternate format; bi-lingual services available and facilities are accessible for all clients.
  • Provides opportunities for staff to participate in diversity training and multi-cultural events.
  • Utilizes the diversity within the workforce by incorporating the diverse perspectives into business or service delivery decisions.
  • Gains necessary skills and attends required training to participate in the development and implementation of a program that fosters cultural competency and multi-cultural organizational development.
  • Actively solicits and engages diverse groups in program planning and implementation.

From the above list, as appropriate, and based on the type of position described, some of these duties could be included in the position description. When describing supervisory positions, in most cases, duties related to recruiting, hiring, promoting, retaining, and maintaining a diverse workforce apply. At the same time, most managerial positions require that customers, stakeholders, partners, and coworkers are treated with dignity and respect; therefore duties requiring the fostering of cultural competency are necessary.




Performance evaluation requirements for affirmative action and diversity


Effective performance evaluation requires that outcome expectations be identified and that the manager being evaluated have sufficient time and resources dedicated to the tasks. Allocation of time and resources should be done in the same way and based on the same type of analysis that is used to determine the other performance expectations being evaluated.


Some examples of the kinds of performance measures that can be used to evaluate a manager’s performance in the area of diversity development are listed below. The level and type of performance will vary with position. The same method and scale used to measure other performance areas should be applied to diversity issues.


Diversity development performance measures can include (but are not limited to):

  • Manager seeks out and attends diversity development training. Training could include specific courses such as Cultivating a Diverse Workforce, or Diversity: Disability Culture & Awareness, as well as diversity recruitment, conflict resolution, multicultural networking, diversity conferences, etc.
  • Manager establishes and implements a diversity development program for the work unit. The manager works with the employees to develop a program and schedule for implementing diversity development activities within the work unit. The program has specific action steps, measurable outcomes and timelines. A method for measuring program effectiveness is determined.
  • Manager is effective at recruiting, hiring, promoting and maintaining a diverse workforce. The manager works with HR and other networks as appropriate to assist in the recruitment process and expand the diversity of the applicant pool. The manager ensures that interview panels are diverse and trained in cross-cultural interviewing techniques. The manager is effective in mentoring all employees with career planning support.
  • Manager integrates diversity development into performance planning and evaluation. The manager holds staff accountable for participating in activities that support these efforts. The manager holds staff accountable for behaviors that are exclusionary and offensive.
  • Manager models a positive attitude regarding diversity. In actions and words the manager communicates that diversity is an asset from which all staff and customers benefit. The manager includes diversity conversations in staff meetings and regularly includes diversity discussion in communications with staff.
  • Manager provides opportunities for staff to participate in diversity training and diversity related events. The manager seeks out or creates opportunities for employees to receive training on a variety of diversity related issues.
  • Manager utilizes the diversity within the workforce by incorporating the diverse perspectives into business decisions. The manager routinely seeks out the perspectives of all employees. The manager uses a variety of methods for ensuring that employee suggestions are elicited, acknowledged and utilized.
  • Manager creates and maintains a work environment that is respectful and accepting of diversity. The manager sets clear expectations for expected behaviors and clear methods for reporting inappropriate behaviors.
  • Manager assures culturally competent client services. Manager sets tone for creating a welcoming environment; assures that service delivery is provided in a culturally competent way; assures that printed material are available in alternate format and in different languages; bi-lingual services available and facilities are accessible for all clients.

For more information, contact Marita Baragli (503) 947-5287, marita.baragli@state.or.us or Joe Hesting (503) 945-6610, joseph.hesting@state.or.us


Page updated: September 19, 2008

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