Seasonal Ice Flow Backed Up

  • Credit

    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Seasonal Ice Flow Backed Up

View of the Earths Magnetic Field

C-19 iceberg that calved off the Ross Ice shelf and its companion B-15 iceberg, which is anchored near the coast. The two large bergs may have disrupted normal ocean circulation that clears the Ross Sea of seasonal ice during the first months of austral summer. The ice remained in the sea long past previous thaw dates, and created trouble for ships trying to bring in supplies to McMurdo research station on Ross Island. But after months of stillness, in mid-January C-19 changed position dramatically over just a few days, pivoting northward from its eastern end. The effect was like opening a floodgate, and the sea ice trapped between C-19 and B-15 poured out into the Southern Ocean.

Visualization showing C-19 moving towards the sea.


  • Sensor

  • Animation ID

  • Video ID

  • Start Timecode

  • End Timecode

  • Animator

    Stuart A. Snodgrass
  • Studio

  • Writer

    Rebecca E. Lindsey
  • Visualization Date

  • Scientist

    Vincent Salomonson (NASA/GSFC)
  • Keywords

    C-19, Iceberg, GCMD--Location--Antarctica, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctic Ice Sheet, Land Ice, Sea Ice
  • DLESE Subject

  • Data Date

    9/22/02, 10/07,08,09,11,22,23/02, 11/07,09,29/02, 12/01,31/02, 1/2,14,16,17,26,27,28,29/03, 2/2,3/03
  • Animation Type

  • Other Credits

    MODIS Rapid Response Team (