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Save the Date The 2008 Diversity Conference to be held Sept. 8 and Sept. 9, 2008
The theme of this year's conference is "Courage to Challenge, Strength to Change." You will be able to attend on either one of these two days since we are repeating the same agenda and workshops on both days.

The conference offers 15 engaging workshops (some offered twice) each day, networking opportunities, cultural awareness learning, and opportunities for skill building and personal development. This year's keynote speakers are Steve Hanamura and Stepheca Sawyer.

Again this year, we are encouraging employees to wear ethnic dress from their culture. We are also asking that you donate two non-perishable food items for the Food Bank.

This day-long free event is open to all DHS employees (please obtain your manager's approval before registering). At DHS, we believe that we achieve the best outcomes for clients and communities when we have a diverse and culturally competent workforce. Please join us for this very exciting conference.
Affirmative Action
The DHS Affirmative Action Plan is a key component of the department's ongoing diversity development efforts.
Diversity Development and Coordinating Council (DDCC)
Diversity and Cultural Competence
Diversity requirements for managers
As of Jan. 1, 2006, DHS is taking steps to ensure that the agency complies with an executive order on the inclusion of diversity and affirmative action requirements in position descriptions and performance evaluations.
Cultural Competency tools for managers
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