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DHS 2007-09 budget

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Emergency Board

2008 Rebalance



Adopted Budget



2007-09 Ways and Means Presentations


DHS Overview (PDF)



Addictions and Mental Health Division (AMH) 


Administrative Services Division (ASD)

Children, Adults and Families Division (CAF)

Division of Medical Assistance Programs (DMAP)


Public Health Division (PHD)

Seniors and People with Disabilities Division (SPD)


Draft Budget


Despite the recent overall improvement in the state’s economy, human services needs are growing faster than the funding levels required to pay for those needs. Not only have families, communities and the state been unable to keep up with these increasing needs, during the past few years Oregon also has seen many cuts to services. Witness recent federal cuts to human services programs, reductions in substance abuse treatment services, and cutting approximately 80,000 people from the Oregon Health Plan. Despite the state’s improving economy, the increasing caseloads and increasing costs for providing current service levels -- combined with the costs of restoring all the service cuts of the past years -- will outpace anticipated state and federal revenues.


It is in this context that DHS is putting together our budget for the 2007-2009 biennium.  We held a series of public meetings throughout Oregon during May and, at those meetings as we have done in our ongoing work with stakeholders and advisory groups, we asked where DHS should be making investments in human services. In the state budget development process investments translate into "policy option packages" (POPs). After considering all the comments and suggestions, DHS has drafted six policy option packages. Although they do not reflect everything that is needed or address every good suggestion, the six POPs do begin to restore some of the cuts and move us toward the place we all want to be if we’re going to appropriately and effectively serve Oregonians.


The proposed POPs also move us toward a more integrated approach to service delivery. We serve the public through more than 300 separate programs. Rather than focusing on the separate needs of each of these programs, we have taken an agency-wide look at how we can help individuals live independent, healthy and safe lives by investing in these six key areas:

  • Children’s Health and Safety;
  • Community Infrastructure;
  • Access to Health Care;
  • Access to Mental Health Care;
  • Prevention, Preparedness and Health Promotion; and
  • DHS Efficiency Improvements.

These POPS incorporate a variety of input from providers, partners, advocacy groups and the general public including:

  • Suggestions from advisory groups, stakeholders, service providers and service recipients through on-going discussions throughout the biennium;
  • Comments from individuals at eight public meetings held throughout the state during May (Bend, Eastern Oregon, Medford, Eugene, Portland, Newport and two in Salem) to discuss DHS programs and budget issues;
  • Review and analysis of economic and social issues affecting Oregon including revenue and expenditure forecasts;
  • Review of federal policy and budgetary issues and the impact of new federal laws and rules on Oregon and DHS;
  • Guidance and direction from the Governor’s Office and DAS Budget and Management staff; and
  • Input from the DHS leadership and all levels of management and staff within the department.


 View a high-level summary of these draft POPS. (PDF)  Please note that these POPs are in development and that the pricing displayed in the summary is approximate.


We invite your continued comments through Aug. 17, 2006, by e-mailing DHS.budget-input@state.or.us.



Budget development input


Six meetings and a videoconference were held throughout the state in May-June, 2006 to seek input from Oregonians for the Department's 2007-09 biennium budget.


Those unable to attend the public meetings were invited to email input to: dhs.budget-input@state.or.us


Budget meetings presentation (PDF)











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