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Completing Environmental Reviews in Idaho

 Information by State
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 -   Historic Preservation
 -   Floodplain Management
 -   Wetland Protection
 -   Sole Source Aquifers
 -   Endangered Species Act
 -   Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
 -   Clean Air Act
 -   Farmland Protection Policy Act
 -   Environmental Justice

HUD Environmental Standards
 -   Noise Abatement and Control
 -   Explosive and Flammable Operations
 -   Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials
 -   Airport Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones

Each Law or Authority is listed below, along with contact information, checklists and other tools to help you complete your reviews.

Historic Preservation [36 CFR Part 800]

 -   Historic Preservation checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Idaho State Historic Preservation Officer
 -   Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Contacts
 -   Determine tribes with an historic interest in the project site
 -   Native American Consultation Database - National Park Service
 -   HUD Tribal Directory Assessment Tool

Floodplain Management [24 CFR 55, Executive Order 11988]

 -   Floodplain checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Digital floodplain maps - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
 -   National Flood Insurance Program - participating communities

Wetland Protection [Executive Order 11990]

 -   Wetlands checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   National wetlands inventory mapping tool
 -   Wetland Indicator Status

Sole Source Aquifers [40 CFR 149]

 -   Sole Source Aquifers checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Regional Sole Source Aquifer map - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 -   Memorandum of Understanding between HUD and EPA

Endangered Species Act [50 CFR 402]

 -   Identifying resident and anadromous fish locations - select "Interactive Mapper"
 -   U.S. Fish & Wildlife Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS)

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act [Sections 7(b), and (c)]

 -   Wild and Scenic Rivers checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Wild and scenic rivers in Idaho

Clean Air Act [Sections 176(c), (d) and 40 CFR 6, 51, 93]

 -   Clean Air checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Air Toxics - EPA contacts
 -   EPA Currently Designated Nonattainment Areas for All Criteria Pollutants

Farmland Protection Policy Act [7 CFR 658]

 -   Farmland Protection checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Farmland Information Center

Environmental Justice [Executive Order 12898]

 -   Environmental Justice checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Environmental justice geographic assessment tool - EPA

HUD Environmental Standards

Noise Abatement and Control [24 CFR 51B]

 -   Noise Abatement and Control checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Noise Guidebook
 -   Calculate noise at your project site

Explosive and Flammable Operations [24 CFR 51C]

 -   Explosive and Flammable checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Explosive Hazards - HUD guidebook
 -   Calculate Acceptable Separation Distance for your project

Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials [24 CFR 58.5(i)(2)]

 -   "Choosing an Environmentally Safe Site" Guidebook
 -   Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   EPA Environmapper

Airport Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones [24 CFR 51D]

 -   Airport Clear Zone checklist (PDF) (Word)
 -   Regulated airports in Idaho
Content current as of 1 April 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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