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The NIJ Conference 2009

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June 15-17, 2009
Arlington, VA

For more than a decade, NIJ’s annual conference has brought together criminal justice scholars, policymakers, and practitioners at the local, state and federal levels to share the most recent findings from research and technology.

The conference showcases what works, what doesn't work and what the research shows as promising. It puts a heavy emphasis on the benefits to researchers and practitioners who work together to create effective evidence-based policies and practices. The DNA Grantees Workshop, formerly a separate event, is now an integral part of the NIJ Conference. Combining the former DNA Grantees Workshop with the NIJ Conference allows us to feature innovations in forensic sciences and related policy and resource issues.

Who Should Attend

  • Researchers interested in criminal justice
  • Policymakers responsible for shaping public safety or social services
  • Practitioners in criminal justice interested in technology and DNA
  • Students interested in criminal justice issues

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the NIJ Conference, please contact:

Maria Young
Palladian Partners, Inc.
8484 Georgia Ave., Suite 200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301.650.8660, ext. 136

Date Modified: July 28, 2008