Edwin V. White
October 27, 2002


Dear Access Board members,

Please find below my comments regarding the installation of the ATS and the detectable warnings. Thank you for considering my views.

I am Edwin V. White a blind man 40 years of age. I grew up in New York City. I have traveled through many neighborhoods with many different street crossings and road conditions with no problem. I have used a long white cane and have been a guide dog user. I am writing in opposition of both of the installation of the ATS and the detectable warnings. It is my view that any blind person with good mobility skills can very easily navigate the average city or suburban street. I believe that it would be quite costly to put ATS on every traffic light and don't walk sign. I also believe the case to be the same with the detectable street warning. There are some streets that may be difficult to cross, if there are not enough non visual clues to use by a blind person. The streets should be made accessible to us on a case by case bases in consultation with the organize blind, and that state, or city government. Thank you for considering my comments.


Edwin V. White

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