David R. Stayer
September 26, 2002
I am writing concerning your proposed regulations to alter the environment for blind people.  This is almost totally unnecessary.  I am 62 years of age and have been traveling around the country and the New York City and Greater Long Island area for over forty five years.  I have never had to use detectible traffic signals or detectible warnings at street crossings.  When I learned cane travel techniques the training was not as good as it is today.  The few times I have heard bells or screatching birds at street crossings, it has been a total distraction rather than a help.  As a blind person I rely on my senses of hearing and touch to competently and confidently traverse all kinds of streets.  I believe much money would be misspent to alter the environment unnecessarily.  I am in full support of the position of the National Federation of the Blind's resolutions dealing with the matter. 
Thank you for reading my comments on a very serious issue.  Blind people need good training not squawking traffic signals and domes at street corners that will impede good travel.  Please do not waste your talents and money on unnecessary matters.
Very truly yours,
David R. Stayer

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