Mike Smith September 5, 2002

Comments on Draft Rights of Way Guidelines

I have reviewed the guidelines on detectable warnings and find them to be appallingly deficient.  I am a blind person with a balance problem and the rough surfaces of the detectable warnings would cause me to lose balance.  Since I have learned to travel without such nuisances, I believe they are notneeded at this time.  In snowy weather, it could be that snow and ice would be caught in the cracks, therefore, causeing an additional problem of slipping. 

The audible/vibrating traffic signals would not cause me any great problem, however, some people would mind audible traffic signals because they would find them distracting when they are trying to focus on other sounds in the environment.  The vibrating signals would be good only if there would be a method of determining how long the traffic light is green or red. 

These are my comments.

Mike Smith


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