Jessie Rayl
October 5, 2002

I am continually disturbed that our City, and many others I visit, have no audible warning signals or any kind of audible traffic light that allows me, as a blind person, to cross streets safely. I have to rely solely on traffic patterns, which can be rather deceiving at best, and difficult to determine at times. Our city spent money to put the audible signals in, however they have them turned off except when children are in school. Hmmm, and I believe those were to be installed for disabled people of all ages, not school-age children! I have contacted city officials about this multiple times and, even though I am a tax-paying citizen of this City, I am, essentially, ignored or told this is to save the city money. So, I, as a disabled person, have a lesser value on my life because our City, and many others, fails continually to comply with regulaations, and nothing happens to them as a result. Please, please enforce this working 24-hour/seven audible traffic signal thing, in all cities! It is not only necessary for blind and others who are disabled, but certainly benefits the elderly and children as well.

Jessie, Martinsburg, WV


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