Nancy Ellen Locke
October 26, 2002

To whom it may concern,

I wish to express my support for the recommendations of PROWAC. I am a
member of the Friendly Area Neighbors neighborhood executive board here in
the City of Eugene, Oregon. We are putting in a new pedestrian activated
street light on one of the busiest streets in our neighborhood. The request
for a detectable warning started with our blind member but was quickly
adopted by all of the sighted members too. A parent with young children
wanted it to catch the attention of her children and remind them to stay on
task! A handicapped fellow wanted the sound to give the drivers at the
intersection a "head's up" because he would be slow in crossing, and as the
"day dreamer" of the bunch need I it to "waken" me so I remember where I am
and where I'm heading. It started out as a request for someone else's needs
and it became a cause for us all. Sighted folks can "use" the extra help at
busy intersections too! And I feel honor bound to point out that 6 sighted
pedestrians have been hit by 6 cars presumably driven by 6 sighted drivers.
Sighted people can use the extra help too!

Nancy Ellen Locke

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