Annalee Lake May 17, 2002

This letter is to voice my deep concern over the use of chemical pesticides on roadways, parks, and other public areas. Although noxious weeds are a problem and do need to be brought under control, this should not be done at the expense of endangering the health, and even lives of those exposed to these toxic chemicals.

As both a medical professional (registered nurse) and a person whose life is seriously impacted by pesticides, I am aware of the dangers posed by these chemicals. Those at greatest risk include persons with immature immune systems, e.g. the unborn fetus, babies, and children, those with auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type I Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and allergies, and those taking immune suppressants such as cortisone preparations and chemotherapy.

Biological and mechanical controls and re-seeding do work, and these methods do not threaten the safety of or deny access to those who, life myself, must strictly avoid exposure to these chemicals.

I respectfully ask that the Access Board would give serious attention to these concerns.


Annalee Lake


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