Dorcas Heimsmeir, R.N. 
October 21, 2002

Dear Office of Technical and Informational Services, Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board:

Cities all over America are putting in speed humps, speed tables, raised crossings, and raised intersections. Please MAKE IT ILLEGAL to have any speed humps, speed tables, raised crossings, raised intersections in America as they limit access for people like me who are disabled.

I am only forty-six years old and I am now disabled. I have nerve damage and when I drive over a vertical deflection device at even a very slow speed such as three miles per hour my condition is made worst and the pain is awful. I have been barred from streets with vertical deflection devices because of my physical limitations so I am becoming a prisoner in my own home.

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.


Dorcus Heimsmeir, R.N.

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