Craig A. Green, P.E. 
October 23, 2002


To Whom It May Concern:

Attached are comments on the proposed Draft Guidelines for Accessible Public Rights-of-Way from the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Craig A. Green, P.E.
Administrator, Highway Design


Comments on Draft Guidelines on

Accessible Public Rights-of Way

1) The guidelines have exact dimensions shown, rather than showing a range or tolerance level. Exact dimensions cannot always be provided in real-world situations. The document should provide a range of dimensions.

2) 1102.8 & 1105 — Concern that the crosswalk slope (perpendicular to the direction of travel) is going to be 1:48. This will create a bump in the roadway at the intersection as well as cause potential drainage and snow plowing problems.

3) Section 1102/1111 location of Alternate Circulation Path. Concerned that providing alternate path (when the existing path is temporarily blocked) on the same side of the street could pose a problem. May not be enough room or may be inaccessible. There should be some flexibility when making an alternative path available.

4) 1103.3 Clear Width — Concern that the sidewalk width will now have to be 4 feet mm. This could be a problem in small towns where 3 feet is used and all a town wants to do is reconstruct the existing sidewalk.

5) 1104.2.1 — The requirements specific to perpendicular curb ramps require 48” x 48” level landings at the top of the sidewalk. Recommend making it 36” wide because of the short distance of sidewalk (5’).

6) 1105.5 — The requirement that an elevator access be required on any access elevation change greater than 60 inches seems too strict. It should be an option if the ramps are impractical.

7) 1105.6.1 — Signalized pedestrian crossings at roundabouts will reduce the safety and operation of the roundabout. Providing a signalized pedestrian crossing will cause rear-end collisions, as well as pedestrian accidents.

8) Concerned that the Access Board is eliminating diagonal sidewalk ramps. These should be able to be used as an option since there are many situations where these are all that will work.

9) 1105.6 — Concerned about the “continuous barrier” being required at roundabouts along the street side of the sidewalk being a sight obstruction, as well as being a potential object to hit. How is the barrier to be introduced and run out?

10) 1105.7 — Turn lanes at intersections. Concerned that this will require a pedestrian signal/phase for each segment of the crosswalk including channelized islands. This will lead to confusion and possible accidents.


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