Michael Gibson
October 19, 2002

To Whom It May Concern:

My Name is Michael Gibson. I live at 3226-D W. Girard Ave. Englewood, CO 80110.

I am writing to voice my opposition against the proposed regulations to equip every lighted intersection in the United States with audible traffic indicators. I believe the cost of equipping said intersections would be extremely expensive and probitive. The Millions of dollars which will be spent could be better used to fund training programs for the blind and visually impaired to learn how to cross intersections safely.

As a blind person myself, I commute to work, church, and the grocery store independly and cross lighted interesections without the aid of an audible traffic signal. I was taught to used the sounds of traffic to know when to safely cross interesections. The additional sound of an audible traffic signal would make it difficult to hear the traffic. The noise from the signals would actually be a safety hazard.

In conclusion, the regulations are bad for all people who cross lighted intersections. The cost would be extremely expensive and tax dollars would be better spent training blind and visually impaired people to travel safely and independently. Finally I feel this issue should be discussed on the community level where people are accutely aware of the local conditions and enviromental concerns. Each lighted intersection should be considered on an individual basis not by a blanket federal mandate.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Michael Gibson


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