Eleanor Sass 
October 28, 2002

To Access Board:

I am commenting on your proposal to install rubber domes at every curb and audible traffic signals at every street corner. Both of these are dangerous and unnecessary. The domes get in the way of white canes and would be hazardous to wheelchairs and walkers. After making curbs accessible for wheelchairs via ramps, it would be defeating the purpose to put domes there. The audible traffic signals interfere with a blind or visually impaired person's ability to listen for traffic flow when crossing streets. Listening for traffic is the most safe and reliable way for a blind person to cross the street. Audible signals are a hindrance and a danger to blind people. The cost for putting in these domes and signals is extravagant. The taxpayers should not have to bear the burden of such an unnecessary and unwanted expense. Thank you for reading my letter. Mrs. Eleanor Sass


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