Albert Gayzagian 
October 28, 2002

Having lived nearly all of my 76 years in a town which provides audible traffic signals, I know their value in enhancing pedestrian safety. I frankly resent the efforts of some blind people to limit or eliminate their availability, depriving those of us who benefit from these signals for whatever reasons move them to take these actions. Let those who don't want to use these signals ignore them if you like, but let those of us who find them helpful have the option to use them. My basic philosophy on this matter is that wherever sighted pedestrians are provided with information in a form accessible to them enhancing their safety, I should have the same information accessible to me to enhance mine. We ask for no more, no less. I appreciate the serious consideration which the Access Board is giving this matter and strongly urge that the Board approves the provisions which will give us a favorable result.

Albert Gayzagian

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