Maria Bradford 

September 19, 2002

I am submitting these comments to the access board because of my opposition to any detectible warnings on the ground or any audible signals above the street.

It has been my experience that anything other than the normal traffic noise hinders my ability to cross streets safely. Any extra sound makes it very dangerous to cross a street. I have to cross the street slower than most blind persons, since I use crutches. Sometimes, I use a manual wheelchair or a walker. I already have to listen to the traffic for my direction, when

the normal sounds compete with trucks and other vehicles backing up.

I feel that these audible signals and detectible warnings aren't meant to help the blind and other disabled persons remain independent. In my experience, these added distractions become a torment. I'm afraid people will try to touch me while I'm attempting to travel to a location

I'm faced with so many barriers every time I travel. I don't need any more, above my head.

I urge you not to implement these barriers to our lives.

Maria Bradford
Inland Empire Chapter, NFBW

September 19, 2002

I'm writing to urge the access board not to install any audio signals at all. We don't need any of these things to help us with our travel. Whenever I've been near them, their signal creates such a din that I lose my directionality. I fear that I'll become so confused that I'll be caught in traffic, and won't be able to correct for an emergency situation. Since I use crutches I have to walk much slower than most blind persons. Sometimes I use a walker. There's already too much blended sound on the streets. Why should the public have to be tormented with this extra sound?

I don't want the public to make fun of those of us who are blind, and have another disability. This could happen, if people perceive we need a different kind of signal to cross the street safely just because we're blind.

Thank you for taking this dangerous system away.

Maria Bradford
Inland Empire Chapter, NFBW


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