Becky Barnes  August 8, 2002

I was just reading through your web info. about public rights-of-way and wanted to express something that has become a great concern among pedestrians. I'm referring to the appearance on the scene of the Segway scooter. As a guide dog user, I find this vehicle a little daunting in terms of its potential speed and its size. Many states have already started considering legislation to give sidewalk access to the Segway without considering its impact on pedestrians with guide dogs, white canes, crutches, in wheelchairs or even with baby strollers. Since I will not be able to attend your hearing in Oregon, I wanted to express my concerns as best I could. I apologize if you are not the appropriate one to receive them. Thanks for your consideration.

Becky Barnes
Manager of Consumer Outreach and Graduate Support
Guiding Eyes for the Blind


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