Laboratory Animal Sciences Program
Center for Cancer Research NCI-Frederick

Anesthesia and Analgesia Table

Mouse Anesthesia
Mouse Analgesia
Rat Anesthesia
Rat Analgesia
Rabbit Anesthesia
Anti-Cholinergic drugs For Rabbits
Rabbit Analgesia

What Type of Needle Should I Use?

Mouse Anesthesia
Anesthetic Comments Dose and Route Onset Duration and Surgical Anesthesia
Mouse Cocktail (Ketamine, Xylazine)

The dose of a combination of Ketamine and Xylazine varies but the most referenced dose is Ketamine 90 mg/kg and Xylazine 10 mg/kg IP.

A commonly used cocktail of these agents is the combination of Ketamine and Xylazine mixed and administered as follows. Mix 1 ml Ketamine (100 mg/ml), 1 ml Xylazine (20 mg/ml) and 5 ml sterile Saline in a sterile container then administer this dilution at 3-9 ml/g BW i.p.

Alternative mixture using the large animal Xylazine (100 mg/ml): 9 ml Ketamine (100 mg/ml) and 1 ml Xylazine (100 mg/ml) will be used to make a stock solution. Then a 1:10 dilution will be made from the stock solution using saline and will be administered at 5-15 ml/g BW i.p.

Anesthesia can be supplemented by administering 1/3 to 1/2 of the initial Ketamine dose (do not supplement with additional Ketamine/Xylazine mixture).

43-129 mg Ketamine/g and 8.6-26 mg Xylazine/g

45-135 mg Ketamine/g and 5-15 mg Xylazine/g
3-5 min 15-20 min
Isoflurane (need precision vaporizer to deliver the agent) Induction 4-5%
Maintenance 1-2%

Requires scavenging.Contact LASP-Bethesda for details.
Inhalation 2-3 min Until Disconnected
Medetomidine* + Ketamine Medetomidine 1 mg/ml
Ketamine 100 mg/ml
M = 1 mg/g IM
K = 75 mg/g
2 min 30 min
Pentobarbital   50 mg/g IP
(40-70 range)
1.25 mg/25g
5 min 30 min
Tribromoethyl alcohol (Avertin)

Preparation of Avertin - A solution of 100% Avertin is prepared by mixing 10 g of tribromoethyl alcohol with 10 ml of tertiary amyl alcohol (Sigma). Dilute 10 ml of this solution to 2.5% in 390 ml isotonic saline (PBS), then sterilize by filtration and aliquot into a series of sterile snap cap tubes. The 2.5% stock solution is stored wrapped in foil at 4oC.

Note on preparation of Avertin: When diluting the alcohol mixture with some commercially available complex phosphate buffered saline solutions, precipitation of the tribromoethyl alcohol may occur. This is due to the presence of calcium and/or magnesium in the PBS. To avoid this, check that the PBS you use is simple sodium phosphate buffered saline (0.8%) and does not contain calcium and/or magnesium, or use the following Tris buffered saline solution:

0.8% sodium chloride
1 mM Tris, pH 7.4
0.25 mM EDTA

Note on stability of Avertin: It is the experience of the major transgenic labs that 2.5% Avertin which is prepared in PBS, sterile filtered, and stored in the dark at 4oC is stable for at least one year. However, the tribromoethyl alcohol is unstable as a solid and subject to the generation of toxic degradation products. When a bad stock of this compound is used, the 2.5% Avertin may induce lethality and/or peritoneal damage. If mice do not recover rapidly from the surgery, or appear listless (or die) after several days to a week, then the tribromoethyl alcohol is suspect. In this case, order a fresh bottle and make a new stock of Avertin.

15 -17 ml of 2.5% Avertin/g BW ip (= to 375 - 425 mg/g BW)   10-60 min

*can be reversed with atipamezole (1 mg/g SC, IP or IV)

Mouse Analgesia
Analgesic Comments Dose and Route Frequency
Acetaminophen Tylenol 300 mg/100 ml drinking water 2-3 days post operative
Buprenorphine Buprenex
Practical Bubrenex for Mice: Mix one 1 cc vial of 0.3 mg/ml Buprenex with 9 ml sterile saline. This gives a working concentration of 30 micrograms per ml. To dose at 0.3 micrograms/g give 0.01 ml per gram body weight repeating every 8-12 hours.
0.05-2.0 microgram/g SC,
IP 1.25-60 microgram/25 g SC
every 8-12 hours
Butorphanol Torbugesic 1-5 mg/g SC every 6 hr
Bupivacaine Marcaine 2 mg/g intralesional Once

Flunixin Megumine - a non-controlled NSAID substance Mixing and administering procedures: To 50 ml vial of 0.9% NaCl add 0.05 ml of 50 mg/ml Flunixin Megumine.

The resulting solution is: 0.05 mg/ml Flunixin Megumine in 0.9 % NaCl. The dose will be at the rate of 0.05 ml per gm of body weight SQ twice a day for a total of 6 doses. (i.e. 20 g mouse gets 1 ml [2.5 mg/kg] SC twice a day for 3 days).

The solution is discard 7 days after mixing.

2.5 mg/g SC Every 12 hr for a maximum of 3 days

Rat Anesthesia
Anesthetic Comments Dose and Route Onset Duration and Surgical Anesthesia
Rat Cocktail
(Ketamine, Xylazine)

The dose of a combination of Ketamine and Xylazine varies but the most referenced dose is Ketamine 90 mg/kg and Xylazine 10 mg/kg IP.

A commonly used cocktail of these agents is the combination of Ketamine and Xylazine mixed and administered as follows. Mix 1 ml Ketamine (100 mg/ml), 1 ml Xylazine (20 mg/ml) and 5 ml sterile Saline in a sterile container then administer this dilution at 3-9 ml/g BW i.p.

Anesthesia can be supplemented by administering 1/3 to 1/2 of the initial Ketamine dose (do not supplement with additional Ketamine/Xylazine mixture).

0.1-0.2 ml/250 g IM, IP24-48 mg Ketamine/g BW and 3.2-6.4 mg Xylazine/g BW.

In Fischer 344 rats this combination and dosage does not appear to have as wide a margin of safety. For this strain, dilute Ketamine:Xylazine:sterile Saline at a ratio of 2:1:10 and administer at the rate of 3.0 ml/kg IP.
3-5 min 30-40 min
(need precision vaporizer to deliver the agent)
Induction 4-5%
Maintenance 1-2%

Requires scavenging. Contact LASP-Bethesda for details
Inhalation 2-3 min Until Disconnected
Pentobarbital 65 mg/ml 30 mg/kg (7.5mg/250 mg)
50 mg/kg (12.5 mg/250 mg)
5 min
5 min
90 min
120 min

Rat Analgesia
Analgesic Comments Concentration Dose and Route Frequency
Acetaminophen Tylenol Tablets or liquid 110-300 mg/kg
PO 25-75 mg/250 g)
every 4 hours
Aspirin Various Tablets or liquid
baby = 125 mg/tablet
adult = 325 mg/tablet
100 mg/kg PO 2.5 mg/250 g every 4 hours
Buprenorphine Buprenex 00.3 mg/ml 0.1-1.5 mg/kg SC,
IP 25-375 mg/250 g
every 6-12 hours
Butorphanol Torbugesic 10 mg/ml 0.05-2 mg/kg SC
125-500 mg/250g
every 4 hours
Nalbuphine Nubain 10 mg/ml 1-2 mg/kg IM
0.25-0.5 mg/250g
every 4 hr
Bupivacaine Marcaine 2 mg/g intralesional    

Flunixin Megumine - a non-controlled NSAID substanceMixing and administering procedures: To 50 ml vial of 0.9% NaCl add 0.05 ml of 50 mg/ml Flunixin Megumine.

The resulting solution is: 0.05 mg/ml Flunixin Megumine in 0.9 % NaCl. The dose will be at the rate of 0.05 ml per gm of body weight SQ twice a day for a total of 6 doses. (i.e. 20 g mouse gets 1 ml [2.5 mg/kg] SC twice a day for 3 days).

The solution is discard 7 days after mixing.

2.5 mg/g SC   Every 12 hr, maximum of 3 days
Buprenorphine Jello Recipe for rodent analgesia

Feed Jello without the drug to get the animals accustomed to the Jello.
Synapse Volume 25 #3, September 1992, pp36-37
1. Decide on the dose (0.1-0.5 mg/kg) is recommended. (0.025-0.10 mg/250g)
2. Determine dosage. Plan on one ml volume of Jello per average weight of rat, thus, for example, 0.33 ml Buprenex per 0.66ml of Jello/250g rat.
3. Making enough Jello for twice daily dosing for up to 4 days. Strawberry seems to be the favorite.
4. Follow the Jello recipe up to the part where you dissolve the Jello in hot liquid. Reduce the volume of cold water by the volume of Buprenex you will be adding first. Add the cold H2O. Wait until mixture is less than 90F before adding Buprenorphine. Pour into ice cube trays @ 4 ml/section. Freeze and administer 1 cube/4 rats twice daily.
5. Dose by giving 1/4 of a 4 ml cube per rat. place on cage floor on top of rodent food.

Rabbit Anesthesia
Anesthetic Comments Dose and Route Onset Duration and Surgical Anesthesia
Rabbit Cocktail
(ketamine, xylazine and acepromazine)
42.8 mg/ml
1.4 mg/ml
8.5 mg/ml
1 ml/1.5 kg IM 5-10 min 30 min
Pentobarbital 65 mg/ml 28 mg/kg IV 1-2 min 30-45 min
(need precision vaporizer to deliver the agent)
induction 4-5%
maintenance 1-2%

Requires scavenging. Contact LASP-Bethesda for details
Inhalation 2-3 min until discontinued

Anti-Cholinergic drugs For Rabbits **
Drug Concentration Dose and Route
Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg/ml 100-200 mg/kg SC, IM

**Not an anesthetic/analgesic

Rabbit Analgesia
Analgesic Comments Concentration Dose and Route Frequency
Buprenorphine Buprenex 0.3 mg/ml 10-50 mg/kg SC, IM, IV every 8-12 hr
Butorphanol Torbugesic 10 mg/ml 50-200 mg/kg SC, IM every 4 hours

What Type of Needle Should I Use?
A one inch needle ranging in size from 20 to 23 gauge is usually used for the IP injection. A larger gauge needle of this sort is used in order to prevent inadvertent introduction of anesthetics into the lumen of the abdominal viscera. Smaller gauge needles are more likely to penetrate the lumen of organs. Administer injections in the lower left or lower right abdominal quadrant with the animal in the head down position.

  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)