Ardis Bazyn   
October 3, 2002


I'm sending my positive comments regarding detectible warnings and accessible audible signals. I live in Southern California and too many drivers don't take enough care when negotiating intersections. Accessible audible signals allow me to cross streets more quickly and keep me from getting injured by hurrying drivers. I've had occasions when cars are buzzing behind me and in front of me while I crossed a street with a quick pedestrian time limit. This is very scary. Accessible audible signals help us to know more quickly when it is safe to cross a street.  Many detectible warnings by hazardous ways and obstacles are helpful in getting us safely on our way. In Burbank, I'm looking forward to accessible signals in the near future. Thank you for insuring a safer environment for us by passing and implementing progressive rules and regulations for a safer pedestrian world.

Ardis Bazyn 

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