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Department of Human Services

Oregon Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSM)Leaders Page


The Oregon Department of Human Services supports the Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Program - known in many areas of Oregon as Living Well with Chronic Conditions - in a number of ways.





Did you know that there are more than 120 Living Well/CDSMP Leaders in Oregon, and more than 40 Master Trainers? All Leaders and Master Trainers receive specialized training.  Leader training for Living Well/CDSMP is available regularly in Oregon. There are also opportunities to receive Leader training for Tomando Control de su Salud, the Spanish language/cultural version of the program, and for Positive Self-Management for People with HIV/AIDS. 


Two trained Leaders are required to lead a program.  It is strongly recommended that Leaders are individuals living with a chronic condition, and at least one individual be a peer or lay Leader, rather than a health or social service professional. It is also very helpful if Leaders have attended a program as a participant prior to being trained.


Most Leader trainings are 4 days.  Participants must attend the full training and facilitate a program to become a Leader.  Finally, organizations offering this program must do so under a license from Stanford University (see: http://patienteducation.stanford.edu/licensing) and Leaders cannot be trained until an organization has obtained a license.


Please click the link below for the latest list of Leader training opportunities in Oregon.


Upcoming leader training opportunities (pdf)


Application to attend Portland training (doc)




Promotional Materials


Living Well Program Brochure (doc)


Living Well Program Brochure (pub)


Living Well Program Brochure (pdf)






Join us on the Oregon Living Well Listserv  - a moderated, interactive mailing list for people involved with delivery and support of chronic disease self-management programs in Oregon.





new button Stanford Trainer Materials

(updated February 2008)


Please check to make sure that the materials you are using are up-to-date versions of Stanford’s materials.  Stanford sends out updated materials to licensed organizations and Master Trainers at the time they renew their license.   If you are currently using out-dated materials, please contact your Master Trainer or the person named on your organizational license who should have received the updates from Stanford.

  1. Leader manual - 2006 manual, with additional revisions below
    • Session 2, page 10 - Chart 10 #2 includes additional information in italics for the Leaders that starts “Choose 8-10 exercises and start with no more than 5 repetitions of each and slowly increase over 2 weeks…”


    • Chart 17 doesn’t include a recommendation on drinking water (formerly the 2nd-to-last bullet)


    • Session 4, page 7-8 that deals with Chart 17 was also changed to remove the water recommendation.


  2. Book -  3rd edition (2006)


  3. Master Trainer manual– 2006 manual, with revisions based on the same sections noted above for the Leader manual:


    • Chart 10 – covered on Training Day 1, page 36-37.


    • Chart 17 – covered on Training Day 3, page 5-6.
Tomando Control
  1. Leader manual - 2002 manual.  A revised version is expected in April or May 2008*; organizations licensed to provide Tomando Control will receive the revised version as they renew their licenses at that time.


  2. Book – 3rd edition (2007)


  3. Master Trainer manual– 2002 manual.  A revised version is expected in April or May 2008*; organizations licensed to provide Tomando Control will receive the revised version as they renew their licenses at that time.

(*Groups that were trained by Stanford since October 2007, received a draft revision of the manual; however this is not being provided to other organizations in anticipation of the complete revision being released soon.)




new button Stanford Licensing to Offer Programs

The Living Well, Tomando Control, and Positive Self-Management programs are all licensed programs of Stanford University's Patient Education Research Center.  See below for licensing requirements, and currently licensed Oregon organizations.





Video Lending Library

DHS has copies of the following video productions about the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program that are available for loan to organizations in Oregon:


  • Chronic Disease Self-Management Program – health care provider informational video produced by Stanford University (10 minutes).


  • Healthier Living: Managing Ongoing Health Conditions - community member/patient informational video produced by Stanford University (11-1/2 minutes).


  • The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program: Adoption Experiences from the Field – satellite/video broadcast designed to inform program decision makers about the supporting science, benefits and implementation essentials of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. Produced by Directors of Health Promotion and Education and the CDC Arthritis Program, January 2007 (2 hours 30 minutes). Webcastversion is also available on demand.


To request a video loan, please contact the DHS Living Well team and provide the following information: your mailing address, which production you’d like to borrow, and what format (DVD or VHS). 




Other Resources


Please note: the Oregon Leader/Master Trainer List is currently being updated. In the meantime, if you need to find a leader in your area, call 971-673-0984 and ask for Tammy or Jennifer or email living.well@state.or.us

Page updated: August 18, 2008

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