Residential Fire Safety Institute Partnership

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In October 1983, an extensive set of smoke detector/sprinkler tests was accomplished in the city of San Francisco, California, entitled, "Operation San Francisco." A significant number of fire and building officials were in attendance and observed these tests first hand. The tests, along with others accomplished across the United States, contributed to the realization that fire deaths could be substantially reduced through the increased application of quick response sprinkler technology used in conjunction with early warning detection and alarm systems.

A vehicle was needed to maintain a continuing resource for current information in the subject area. Operation Life Safety (OLS) now known as the Residential Fire Safety Institute (RFSI) became this vehicle.

RFSI is a consortium of the United States Fire Administration (USFA), the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM), and private sector organizations.

USFA has a shared interest in the mission of RFSI. Key to this is the fact that USFA has a shared interest in the RFSI mission to mitigate the impact of fire on residential occupancies through the advocacy of built in protection including smoke alarms and automatic sprinklers and through effective public education.

In its current partnership USFA and RSFI are:

Operation Life Safety Newsletter

The Operation Life Safety Newsletter is funded by the U.S. Fire Administration and published by the Residential Fire Safety Institute (RFSI) six times per year. Its purpose is to provide RFSI members and others - who subscribe to significantly reducing residential fire deaths, injuries and property losses through the use of public awareness and education programs and the promotion of early-warning detection, alarm and fast-response sprinkler technology - with current newsworthy items of interest, including local, state and federal issues requiring support and involvement of the fire community.

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