GLOBE Bulletin

August 24, 2005:
Niger Joins GLOBE

Please welcome Niger as the 109th country to join GLOBE! On 11 August 2005, H.E. Oumarou Hamani, Minister of Basic Education in Niger, and U.S. Ambassador, Gail Dennise Mathieu, signed the GLOBE agreement. Students in Niger join more than 16,000 schools with over 30,000 GLOBE teachers in countries worldwide participating in the GLOBE Program.

The importance of Niger joining GLOBE is demonstrated by the attendance of many officials at the signing ceremony. These officials include H.E. Mahaman Moussa, Minister of Territorial Management and Community Development, H.E. Abdou Daouda, Minister of Professional and Technical Training in Charge of Youth Employment, H.E. Mounkaila Modi, the Minister of Interior and Decentralization, Secretary General of the Ministry of Basic Education, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment, Secretary General of the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education, Research, and Technology, and Mr. Mazou Garba, Cellule pour la Gйnйralisation et la Perennisation de l'Education Environnementale.

Madame Djibrillou Safia Moustapha, Coordinator of Cellule pour la Gйnйralisation et la Perennisation de l'Education Environnementale also attended the ceremony and will continue to work with GLOBE as the Country Coordinator of Niger.

U.S. Ambassador Gail Dennise Mathieu,
Minister H.E. Oumarou Hamani,
and Minister H.E. Mahaman Moussa

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