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Mt. Lebanon Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Fire Saftey Curriculum

Lesson Plan 1.2

The student will understand what smoke is.

  • The student will understand that smoke is poison and if we breathe it we will choke.

  • The student will understand that hearing is the only active sense when we are sleeping. The student will be able to identify the smoke detector as the best fire warning. The student will recognize the sound of the smoke detector and get out and stay out.

  • The student will understand that smoke is lighter than air and will fill a room from the top down.

  • The student will understand to crawl any time there is smoke in a room.

  • The student will demonstrate the crawl under smoke procedure.

30 Minutes

Materials Needed:
Smoke Detector
Plastic to Simulate Smoke

Activity: Approx. Time:

  1. From last lesson, briefly review the 2 components of fire, flames and smoke. Explain that our main topic is smoke in this lesson.

    Ask the students what happens if smoke is breathed. In addition to making people choke, it can also make them pass out or die. 3 Minutes

  2. Begin a discussion on noisemakers. Noisemakers can be things that tell us something is happening or that we should do something. Have the students give examples of common noisemakers. Write them on the board. Point out which noise makers are giving us a message. 5 Minutes

  3. Display the smoke detector. Tell the students it is another kind of noisemaker. Ask what it is and what it does.

  4. Lead the answers to a smoke detector that sniffs for smoke and then makes a loud noise.

    Explain that when we are asleep we can no longer see or smell things. The only sense we still have is hearing. That's why smoke detectors make loud noises - to wake us up.

    Be prepared to respond to questions regarding deaf or hearing impaired people. Relate how flashing lights and vibrating devices are used to alert them. 3 Minutes

  5. Open the detector. Show the students that many detectors use batteries to work. Tell them that the batteries sometimes wear out and need to be replaced. The way to tell if a smoke detector works is to test it. Let each student push the test button. Tell students to ask their parents to test their smoke detectors at home to make sure they are working. 5 Minutes

  6. Ask the students where in the house smoke detectors are usually found. (Ceiling or high on wall). If the smoke detectors are by the ceiling, where do we think the smoke from a fire will go up. Ask what happens when the smoke reaches the ceiling and can't go any higher. Explain that it begins to sink lower in the room. Ask what we should do when this happens. Discuss that since it will take a little while for the smoke to sink all the way to the floor, we can crawl underneath the smoke.

  7. Write on the board the 3 reasons why it is best to crawl under smoke:
    1. We can see better,
    2. We can breathe, it is less poisonous
    3. It is not as hot. 5 Minutes

  8. Have 4 students arrange themselves in a square. Have each grasp a corner of the plastic "SMOKE" and raise it as high as they can reach. Then have them slowly lower it until it is about 3 foot off the floor.

    Now demonstrate how to crawl low under the plastic to the door.

    Have each student perform the crawl low under smoke technique after briefly sounding the smoke alarm. 8 Minutes

  9. Briefly review and give smoke detector brochures to the teachers for distribution to the students. Request each student with the assistance of their parents test their detectors when they get home today. 1 Minute

Participation in classroom discussion. Successfully performs "Crawl Low Under Smoke" technique.

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