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1. PGMT7101D - Introduction to Grants Management (Classroom-Day)
July 6 - 9, 2009 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Washington, DC $1095 SELECT A REGISTRATION METHOD COURSE DETAILS: Course Title: Introduction to Grants Management (Session: 166393) Course Code: PGMT7101D Tuition: $1095 Dates: July 06, 2009 to July 09, 2009 Location: Washington, DC Class Length: 4 Day(s) CEU: 2.4 Training Division: National Capital Training Center ...

2. CDEV7001D  -  Introduction to Employee Development (Classroom-Day)
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the changing roles of human resources development (HRD), its purpose, its limitations and the competencies required by its practitioners. ... You explore the legal requirements and policy guidance in federal employee training and development; the trainer's role as a management consultant and business partner; ...

3. CDEV7004D  -  Developing Your Resume: A Workshop (Classroom-Day)
Learn how to write a resume that captures your competencies, experiences and accomplishments. ... Your resume is an essay about you that markets your capabilities and gains you access to a job interview. ... As employment opportunities become more competitive, you need to have a marketing tool that gets you the job you want. ...

4. CDEV8000D  -  How to Write KSAs and Advance Your Federal Career (Classroom-Day)
Overcome your struggles with federal job applications. ... You learn to describe knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) in a way that significantly increases your marketability in the federal workplace. ... You learn to tailor the KSA description to the requirements of specific positions, bridge career experiences with the position ...

5. CDEV8005D  -  Consulting Skills for Human Resources Professionals (Classroom-Day)
There has been a strong and sustained movement in both the public and private sectors to develop internal consulting resources. ... This course is specifically designed with the federal internal consultant in mind, particularly one who works as either a generalist or a specialist within human resources management. ... NSPS, Human Resource ...

6. CDEV9001D  -  Instructor Training (Classroom-Day)
Sharpen and improve your instructional skills and become a more polished presenter. ... You discover proven training techniques for large and small groups, including a variety of instructional methods from presentation and demonstration to role-playing and game-playing. ... You develop a personal toolkit of training techniques and learn ...

7. CDEV9002D  -  Managing Training for Results (Classroom-Day)
Ensure that your organization is getting the maximum results from its investment in training. ... You learn to formulate clear and achievable goals for training through performance analysis and by linking learning to strategic objectives. ... You learn to target training areas of greatest need and payoff; manage the design, development ...

8. CLAS7000D  -  Position Classification: Basic (Classroom-Day)
Become a well-trained classifier. ... This intensive 10-day course provides a foundation in General Schedule (GS) and Federal Wage System (FWS) classification. ... The course focuses on the legal bases, structure and operation of the General Schedule (GS), Federal Wage System (FWS) and alternative classification systems. ...

9. CLAS7010D  -  Position Management: Techniques to Improve Organizational Efficiency (Classroom-Day)
Discover how to use position management tools, techniques and methods to develop the "most efficient organization." Learn how to identify and correct the following problems: fragmentation, layering unnecessary positions, narrow supervisor to employee ratio, job dilution, missing career ladders, workforce inconsistencies and inconsistent position descriptions. ...

10. CLAS7051N  -  Position Classification: An Introduction (Distance Education)
Learn the basics of the federal job classification system as well as the impact of decisions on how positions are classified. ... Practical, hands-on examples demonstrate basic principles of position classification in the General Schedule and Federal Wage System. ... Equivalent to 40 classroom hours. ... Note: Classification ...

11. CLAS7100D  -  Fair Labor Standards Act Workshop (Classroom-Day)
Equip yourself with the information, understanding and ability to correctly apply the provisions of the FLSA. ... You learn: the general principles of FLSA and the administrative procedures by which covered work time must be compensated; how hours of work and scheduling of work become important factors when considering overtime pay entitlements; ...

12. CLAS7900D  -  Principles of Classification (Classroom-Day)
Many federal agencies either already have or are in the process of replacing their Title 5 classification, compensation and performance management systems with pay-for-performance systems. ... An administration proposal would abolish the General Schedule and Federal Wage systems and replace them with pay-for-performance systems by 2010. ...

13. CLAS8100D  -  Position Classification for Supervisors and Administrative Staff (Classroom-Day)
Learn the basic principles, structure and operation of the position classification process. ... You will discover how to interpret and apply classification standards, select the appropriate occupational groups and series, prepare well-written descriptions and evaluation statements, apply pay banding principles, identify work characteristics ...

14. CLAS9000D  -  Position Classification: Advanced (Classroom-Day)
In the federal government today, it is not uncommon to find agency organizations operating side by side with some under the Title V General Schedule System while others are exempted from Title V and classifying their jobs according to agency pay banding procedures. ... Classifiers and the staff personnel who serve as classification liaisons ...

15. LABR7000D  -  Basic Employee Relations (Classroom-Day)
Understand the complexities of federal employee relations. ... You learn the rights and responsibilities of agency employees, and you study topics such as probationary periods, performance management and awards, discipline, conduct problems, leaves of absence, labor management issues, appeals and grievances, and more. ... Separate performance ...

16. LABR7001D  -  Basic Labor Relations (Classroom-Day)
Receive a solid foundation in the areas of employee-management relationships. ... You learn that harmonious labor relations can bring enormous productivity gains to your workforce. ... You learn about bargaining unit determination and election procedures; exclusive union representation, negotiations and good-faith bargaining; and contract ...

17. LABR7006D  -  Managing and Measuring Performance (Classroom-Day)
This course equips supervisors, managers and human resources specialists with the skills they need to make meaningful performance distinctions. ... The course emphasizes communication, planning, tracking and using existing performance tools. ... Participants use these skills to make, or advise on making, performance decisions regardless ...

18. LABR7007A  -  Developing Performance Standards (Distance Education)
Learn the skills you need to make, or advise on making, meaningful performance distinctions, regardless of the system in which you find yourself - Title 5, Title 5-exempt, paybanding, traditional, or other system variations. ... Network CD-ROM license available for minimum of 25 students. ... Call (303) 236-8500 for details. ...

19. LABR7007D  -  Developing Performance Standards (Classroom-Day)
The goal of this course is to equip supervisors and managers with the skills they need to develop or revise employee performance standards that are realistic, relate to the organization mission and identify true differences in employee performance. ... This course is particularly important to organizations that are part of the emerging pay-for-performance ...

20. LABR7007N - Developing Performance Standards (via GS Online) (Web-based) (Distance Education)
Developing Performance Standards (via GS Online) (Web-based) ... (Course Available After Purchase) $125 ... Learn the skills you need to make, or advise on making, meaningful performance distinctions, regardless of the system in which you find yourself - Title 5, Title 5-exempt, paybanding, traditional, or other system variations. ...

21. LABR7008D  -  Personal Success Under Pay Banding (Classroom-Day)
Learn how to understand your personal performance standards, and recognize how to relate your performance to your organization's overall mission, how to document your personal performance and how to present your accomplishments to your supervisor in performance discussions. ... Any employee interested in greater rewards under the emerging pay-for-performance ...

22. LABR7012D  -  Correcting Employee Conduct and Performance (Classroom-Day)
Develop the skills necessary to deal with common performance and conduct problems when supervising federal employees. ... In this practical, no-nonsense, two-day program, you explore the day-to-day problems that federal supervisors must deal with quickly and confidently. ... Topics include absenteeism, insubordination, coming to work ...

23. LABR7051N  -  Basic Labor Relations (Distance Education)
Learn about the rights and responsibilities of employees, management, and unions in the federal collective bargaining process. ... This course is part of the Human Resources Management Certificate, Level 1, program that can be completed entirely through distance education. ... Equivalent to 40 classroom hours. ... Contract Administration ...

24. LABR7052N  -  Solving Performance and Conduct Problems (Distance Education)
Managing employee performance is a critical responsibility of every federal supervisor. ... Know your responsibilities and options, including procedures for appraising performance, administering discipline or taking formal action on performance. ... Equivalent to 24 classroom hours. ... Federal supervisors and managers or others ...

25. LABR7100D  -  Adverse and Performance-Based Actions (Classroom-Day)
Be confident in your ability to prepare or decide adverse actions or performance-based actions. ... You learn to meet rigid standards of cause, penalty and proof-all evaluated by a third party who routinely reviews removals, suspensions, demotions and furloughs-before taking adverse and performance-based actions against employees. ...

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