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Sandra Lee Kunimoto
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News Release: April 4, 2000

NR00-06 April 4, 2000

Kailua Reservoir Project Deferred

Honolulu - The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA), in consultation with the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), has deferred plans for the Kailua Reservoir Alteration Project. After reviewing public comments to the draft environmental assessment, project consultant R.M. Towill recommended further studies be completed, especially in the down stream areas.

Both HDOA and DLNR agree with the consultant that additional environmental studies should be completed, including DLNR's Master Flood Plan for Waimanalo. The master plan was initially planned to coincide with the project, but was delayed due to revisions in budget appropriations.

"We appreciate the questions and concerns received from various sectors of the community during the public comment period," said James J. Nakatani, Chairperson of the Hawaii Board of Agriculture. "The state will be reviewing the comments and planning further studies in the area."

The project was originally initiated by the HDOA in response to concerns by the Waimanalo community in 1996.
