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5th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference
PowerPoint Presentations

Day One
June 2, 2003
The Nuts and Bolts of the NIH SBIR/STTR Program

  • Overview of NIH SBIR/STTR Programs
    Ms. JoAnne Goodnight, NIH SBIR/STTR Program Coordinator, (PowerPoint - 10 MB)

  • Peer Review
    Dr. Anthony Coelho, NIH Review Policy Officer, (PowerPoint - 1.7 MB)

  • Grants Management Processes & Issues
    Ms. Lisa Moeller, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, (PowerPoint - 345 KB)

  • Indirect Cost Rate Negotiations & Audit Requirements
    Ms. Ruth Bishop, NIH Division of Financial Advisory Services, (PowerPoint - 151 KB)
    Ms. Leanne Robey, NIH Division of Financial Advisory Services, (PowerPoint - 62 KB)

  • Regulatory Issues and Requirements: FDA Approval Process, Human Subject Protections, Animal Welfare Issues, Invention Reporting
    Mr. Paul Williams, FDA, (PowerPoint - 77 KB)
    Ms. Yvonne Higgins, DHHS Office of Human Research Protections, (PowerPoint - 81 KB)
    Dr. Axel Wolff, NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, (PowerPoint - 8 MB)
    Dr. George Stone, NIH Office of Extramural Research, (PowerPoint - 94 KB)

Day Two
June 3, 2003
Getting Products to Market

  • From Academic Bench to Business
    Dr. Mary Pat Moyer, INCELL Corporation, (PowerPoint - 4.8 MB)

  • Intellectual Property
    Ronald Kasner and Michael Gollin, Venable, LLP, (PowerPoint - 192 KB)

  • Commercialization Strategy and Business Planning
    Rick King, PreFlight Ventures, (PowerPoint - 2.7 MB)

  • Preparing a Commercialization Plan
    Dr. Jenny Servo, Dawnbreaker, (PowerPoint - 185 KB)

  • Professional Society Assistance
    Mrs. Roberta Nixon, Society of Research Administrators (University of Virginia), (PowerPoint - 1.3 MB)
    Ms. Sara Jane Demy, Biotechnology Industry Organization, (PowerPoint - 645 KB)
    Dr. Ann Hammersla, Association of University Technology Managers, (PowerPoint - 2.7 MB)

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