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CTB Funded Projects

Funded Projects for FY08

Investigators Project Title
Jones & Gottschalck Probabilistic forecasts of extreme events and weather hazards over the United States.
Doty, Silva, Halpert & Adams Enabling the Transition of CPC Products to GIS Format.
Cane, Wang & Xue Generation and Evaluation of Long-Term Retrospective Forecasts with NCEP Climate Forecast System: Predictability of ENSO and Drought.
Kirtman & van den Dool Multi-Model Ensemble Climate Prediction with CCSM and CFS.
Annamalai & Kumar Development of an Extended and Long-range Precipitation Prediction System over the Pacific Islands.
Lyon & Kumar New Tools for North American Drought Prediction.

Funded Project for FY07

Hartmann & O'Lenic System-wide advancement of user-centric climate forecast products.

Funded Projects for FY06

DelSol Using Initial tendency errors to reduce systematic errors, identify model errors, and construct stochastic parameterizations.
Fox-Rabinovitz Development of neural network emulations of model physics components for improving the computational performance of the NCEP seasonal climate forecasts.
McPhaden, Xue, & Behringer The Ocean Component of the NCEP ENSO CFS.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5200 Auth Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: July 11, 2008
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