

There are 26,650 people employed in aerospace throughout the state of Colorado, which puts Colorado in second place in the nation for private aerospace employment. Lieutenant Governor Barbara O'Brien is working to continue to achieve these successes and to promote continued growth in this industry. 


Colorado Space Coalition


Lieutenant Governor O'Brien serves as one of the Co-Chairs of the Colorado Space Coalition. This group, comprised of the State of Colorado Government, Space Industry Associations, University of Colorado, Small Aerospace Companies and Suppliers, Major Space Companies, and Economic Development Groups works to support and promote the aerospace industry



Aerospace States Association


Lieutenant Governor O'Brien is the Chair of the Education Committee for the Aerospace States Association, an organization made up of Lieutenant Governors and state appointed delegates.  ASA was formed to promote a state-based perspective in federal aerospace policy development and support state aerospace initiatives that enhance student/teacher education outreach and economic development opportunities.  ASA is now working to rally America to improve U.S. global aerospace competitiveness.



National Institute of Science, Space and Security Centers (NISSSC)


Lieutenant Governor O'Brien is a board member for the National Institute of Science, Space and Security Centers.