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Mexico Local time: 03:38 PM

Travel & Tourism Industry in Mexico

 Ambassador Garza cutting the ribbon of ExpoVacaciones USA

Market Overview

The United States is the most important destination for Mexican travelers. In 2006, 13.3 million Mexicans traveled to the United States, representing over a quarter of the total foreign arrivals to the country. Mexico is the second source of international travelers to the United States just after Canada. Additionally, travel to the U.S. interior grew by 26% to register 5,840,839 arrivals. The solid growth ranked Mexican travel to the U.S. interior larger than the number one overseas visitor market - the United Kingdom (4,176,211 arrivals). This is good news for U.S. destinations and tourism services. U.S. companies need to market themselves aggressively in Mexico to tap into this lucrative market.

Best Products/Services

It is important to differentiate between land and air Mexican travelers to the United States. Mexican land tourists usually travel to the southern states for a short time period in order to visit relatives or friends and do shopping. On the other hand, air travelers do visit family but also make pleasure trips. These tourists are particularly lucrative since they are the ones who generate most of the travel and tourism receipts to the United States. Air travelers usually stay longer and buy packages that include transportation, lodging, shopping, and recreational activities.

Market Opportunities

Mexicans are drawn to the United States because of its destination diversity, infrastructure and excellent travel and tourism services. In particular, Mexicans enjoy destinations that offer shopping, gambling, entertainment, amusement parks and a cosmopolitan environment. Natural parks and other outdoor destinations are typically not as attractive for Mexicans. Skiing is the notable exception – Mexicans flock to resorts in Colorado and New Mexico in the winter months to ski.

Wholesale operators continue to be the most important distribution channel in the Mexican travel and tourism market. Wholesalers sell their packages to the travel agents who provide their services to the end consumers. Mexicans prefer to make their traveling arrangements through a travel agent, since they are not confident about providing their credit card information through the Internet.


Office of Travel and Tourism Industries  

Travel Industry Association of America (TIA)

Visit USA Committee Mexico

ExpoVacaciones USA Trade Show

Market Research

Incentive Travel in Mexico

According to the travel and tourism professionals in Mexico, over two thirds
(69%) of the travel wholesalers, operators, and agents offer incentive travel
packages. Moreover, most of the travel wholesalers and operators who specialize
in incentive travel make a difference between this market segment and group
travel. In order to increase incentive travel sales, Mexican tour operators work directly with companies. The based in Mexico trade indicated that during 2004 incentive travel registered an increase of nearly 65% compared to last year. In 2005 incentive travel is expected to grow by and additional 30%.

Incentive travel companies have mentioned their biggest clients in Mexico are
local and multinational companies in the following sectors: pharmaceutical and laboratories, insurance, automotive, travel and tourism services, direct sales companies, financial services. To obtain the full text of this report please contact us.

Utlilizing Mexican Tour Operators to Jumpstart Your Business

To tap into this lucrative market, working with Mexican wholesalers and tour
operators is crucial. Although independent travel and internet research are on
the rise in Mexico, Mexican travelers typically rely on the traditional methods
of approaching travel agents and tour operators for travel options and to book
their travel plans.

The following tips will help U.S. receptive tour operators obtain access to the
Mexican market:
1) In-country promotion
2) Personal relationships are crucial
3) Tailor your packages to the Mexican clientele
4) Speak Spanish whenever possible
5) Realize that Mexicans are last-minute travelers
6) Distinguish yourself by specializing in what you know

To obtain the full text of this report please contact us.

Trade Events

Upcoming Mexican Buyer Delegations to the U.S.

La Cumbre: September 3 - 5, 2008 - Miami, FL

La Cumbre - The Americas Summit, is the premier marketplace for travel professionals from throughout the Americas. In 2002, La Cumbre was acquired by Reed Exhibitions, the world's leading conference organizer, with a portfolio of 17 travel events. La Cumbre hosts approximately 1200 delegates including suppliers/exhibitors, buyers, the travel press, principals of Visit USA Committees in Latin America, leading air carriers and general sales agents. More than 30 countries are represented and activities include three days of pre-scheduled business appointments, seminars and networking opportunities. For more information please Juan Carlos Ruiz.

Further Information, Comments and Questions

If you wish to write us regarding these reports, please contact Juan Carlos Ruiz, Trade Specialist on Travel and Tourism in the Mexico Sector of the US Commercial Service Mexico City Office.