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Mexico Local time: 04:19 PM

U.S./Mexico Border Trade Initiative

The BTI will promote trade in the bordering Mexican states.

Mexico’s maquiladora (export manufacturing plant) industry is the country’s largest foreign currency income source, exceeding petroleum and tourism.  The U.S. provides an estimated 47 % of all inputs to the maquiladoras, valued conservatively at US $41 billion in US exports.  As the U.S. and Mexican economies experience further integration, the more than 2,800 plants throughout Mexico (of which 60 percent are located along the border with the United States) will have an ongoing need to source quality inputs, equipment and services from U.S. industry.

To better assist U.S. businesses tap into the excellent sales opportunities offered by the maquiladoras, the Commercial Service has launched the Border Trade Initiative (BTI). The BTI will extend the strong trade promotion programs that already exist throughout Mexico and on the border in Tijuana to include the significant manufacturing clusters that have been underserved by the Commercial Service in the Mexican states bordering Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The BTI is being gradually implemented throughout the border in 2008, and will build on the success of the Tijuana office in offering matchmaking services, hands-on border programs, special events, market research and other tools to help U.S. businesses be successful in accessing this important market.

Upcoming Border Trade Initiative Events in 2008

Date  Program Contact
September 9  Nogales/Arizona Border Development Program
The Arizona U.S. Export Assistance Center’s BORDER TRADE INITIATIVE invites you participate in SELLING TO MEXICO'S MAQUILADORAS 101, a one-day program designed to prepare your company to develop sales in Mexico’s large manufacturing sector on September 9, 2008.  SELLING TO MEXICO'S MAQUILADORAS 101
Click here to have more information.
September 25 Tijuana Border Development Program
Click here to have more information.
This program offers participants “hands-on” exposure to the physical transportation and documentation process of cross-border trade.  It enhances the participant’s knowledge of the economic and trade dynamics of the region and provides specific insight into how to export into this important business market. If you are seeking to launch or expand your export business south of the border, you will not want to miss.

October 9

Bajamak Maquiladora Show in Tijuana
BajaMak is divided into five specialized pavilions in the aerospace, automotive, medical, metal-mechanical and electronics sectors, where leading industries will promote their supply and service requirements. BajaMak host industrial suppliers and service providers companies from the U.S. and Mexico.

November  12 - 14 

Expo Maquila Delegation - El Paso/ Ciudad Juarez
Companies will participate in shared booth space at show, CS organized one-on-one matchmaking and Expo organized business meetings with maquiladoras.
December 4 Tijuana Border Development Program
Click here to have more information.

Further Information, Comments or Questions , Border Trade Initiative Program Leader in Mexico , Border Trade Initiative Program Leader in U.S.