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Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Site

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher sitting in someone's hand

THE SOUTHWESTERN WILLOW FLYCATCHER (Empidonax traillii extimus) is a small passerine bird placed on the federal Endangered Species list in 1995. The purpose of this web site is to provide a centralized location where the viewer can find out what the flycatcher looks and sounds like, and learn about the status, distribution, biology and habitats of this endangered bird. It is hoped that providing access to such information will promote an understanding of its status and ecology, encourage further research and cooperation, and help promote effective conservation and management.

This site includes a database listing over 300 references dealing with willow flycatchers. Many of these references are from hard to find materials, including unpublished agency reports. It is also possible to download a run-time version of the Arizona Partners in Flight bird reference database, from which the willow flycatcher database can be extracted.

This Southwestern Willow Flycatcher site is administered and supported by the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center - Colorado Plateau Research Station at Northern Arizona University.

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